Google Nearby Connections 2.0 是否支持在模拟器上开发?

Does Google Nearby Connections 2.0 support development on an emulator?

我一直在尝试获得一个在一些模拟设备上运行的示例,但这并不容易:模拟器不支持蓝牙,所以我认为它会 auto-fall-back to WiFi, or even supersonic communication?但即使在获得权限后(耶),它也会死于以下内容。

E/NearbyConnections: Failed startAdvertising(1, 4, 0, 5, 5, 8) for client 102877343 because we couldn't start listening for incoming Bluetooth connections to ServiceId MYID
W/MeshConnection: Advertising failed. Received status 8007 STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR
E/NearbyConnections: Failed startDiscovery() for client 102877343 because we couldn't scan on Bluetooth nor BLE for serviceId MYID
W/MeshConnection: Discovering failed. Received status 8007 STATUS_BLUETOOTH_ERROR

我四处打听了一下,结果发现 Nearby Connections 2.0 使用蓝牙建立连接,然后在可用时适时升级到 WiFi,所以它确实需要 BT 来启动 - 所以没有 运行 它在模拟器上。