
Can we call a scenario from one feature in another using karate?

我们有一个包含多个场景的功能 A。我们需要该文件中的一个场景。我们可以在功能 B 中调用它吗?

没有。您需要将该场景提取到一个单独的 *.feature 文件中,然后使用 call 关键字重新使用它。

编辑:空手道 0.9.0 及更高版本将支持按标签调用,如下所示:

* def result = call read('some.feature@tagname')


给定一个包含多个场景的特征文件 some.feature tag-decorator 标记:

Scenario: A, base case that shares results to e.g. B
 // given, when, then ... and share result in a map with keyword `uri`
 * def uri = responseHeaders['Location'][0]

Scenario: X, base case that shares results to e.g. B
 // given, when, then ... and share result in a map with keyword `createdResourceId`
 * def createdResourceId = $.id


Scenario: B, another case reusing some results of A
 * def result = call read('some.feature@tagname')
 * print "given result of A is: $result"
 Given path result.uri + '/update'

另请参阅:demo of adding custom tags to scenarios