CentOS 7 AMPPS 启动问题

CentOS 7 AMPPS Launch Issue

我正在为项目上线前的本地 Web 开发需求设置一个 Linux 基于 AMPPS LAMP 的框。我一直在遵循 AMPPS 网站的安装指南,在全新安装的 CentOS 上:https://www.ampps.com/wiki/Installing_AMPPS_on_Linux#Important_Locations


First Run of AMPPS When you run AMPPS for the first time make sure your Internet connection is active. Note: AMPPS doesn't support proxy yet. So you must have a Direct Internet Connection.

Now open /usr/local/ampps/Ampps from Explorer, this will take some time as it is setting up AMPPS for your Linux. If you are using Ubuntu OS then you have to start Ampps from terminal with sudo privilege.

cd /usr/local/ampps

sudo ./Ampps

以 root 身份进入 ./Ampps 后,终端 returns 如下:

./Ampps: error while loading shared libraries: libXrender.so.1: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory


yum install libXrender.so.1


任何帮助都会很棒, 对不起,如果我的 post 缺少任何东西,这是我的第一个 :)

提前致谢, 乔恩

这似乎可以解决问题,无论如何谢谢 :D

$ yum groupinstall "X Window System" "Desktop" "Desktop Platform" "Fonts"