
How can I get the tap sound when a user touch a gridlayout?


<GridLayout row="3" colSpan="2" columns="15*,75*,10*" height="12%" rows="*,*" class="card-large box" (tap)="onTap()">
    <Label text="&#xf17b;" class="fa centered icon-category" col="0" rowspan="2"></Label>
    <Label text="MyText" class="category-name" verticalAlignment="bottom" col="1" row="0"></Label>
    <Label text="numbers" verticalAlignment="top" col="1" row="1"></Label>
    <Label text="&#xf054;" class="fa centered icon-arrow" col="2" rowspan="2"></Label>

更新:我可以通过访问 android 原生 api 来获得声音,这是代码:

让decorView:any = app.android.startActivity.getWindow().getDecorView() decorView.playSoundEffect(android.view.SoundEffectConstants.CLICK)

但我想知道为什么点击 android 布局不会触发音效,..

以上代码应按预期工作。这是 a demonstration application where the sound effect is triggered when the user taps on the layout (the layout with the tap event 奇迹发生的地方)