Laravel 5.5 测试 - 调用未定义的方法 ::see()

Laravel 5.5 Tests - Call to undefined method ::see()

我在 运行 phpunit




class ViewConcertListingTest 扩展了 TestCase { 使用数据库迁移;

/** @test */
public function user_can_view_a_concert_listing()
    // Arrange
    // Create a concert
    $concert = Concert::create([
        'title' => 'The Red Chord',
        'subtitle' => 'with Animosity and Lethargy',
        'date' => Carbon::parse('December 13, 2016 8:00pm'),
        'ticket_price' => 3250,
        'venue' => 'The Mosh Pit',
        'venue_address' => '123 Example Lane',
        'city' => 'Laraville',
        'state' => 'ON',
        'zip' => '17916',
        'additional_information' => 'For tickets, call (555) 555-5555'

    // Act
    // View the concert listing
    $this->get('/concerts/' . $concert->id);

    // Assert
    // See the concert details
    $this->see('The Red Chord');
    $this->see('with Animosity and Lethargy');
    $this->see('December 13, 2016');
    $this->see('The Mosh Pit');
    $this->see('123 Example Lane');
    $this->see('Laraville, ON 17916');
    $this->see('For tickets, call (555) 555-5555');


有什么帮助吗? 谢谢!

在这种情况下您需要使用 Laravel Dusk:


$this->browse(function ($browser) use ($user) {
                $browser->visit('/concerts/' . $concert->id)
                ->assertSee('The Red Chord');
                ->assertSee('with Animosity and Lethargy');
                ->assertSee('December 13, 2016');
                ->assertSee('The Mosh Pit');
                ->assertSee('123 Example Lane');
                ->assertSee('Laraville, ON 17916');
                ->assertSee('For tickets, call (555) 555-5555');


use Tests\DuskTestCase;
use Laravel\Dusk\Chrome;

您指的是 Laravel 5.3 中可用的测试方法吗?这些在 5.4 中被删除并作为单独的包提供;

要安装它们,请使用 composer:

composer require laravel/browser-kit-testing --dev

如果其他人遇到过此错误并且问题的代码看起来很熟悉,这来自 Test-Driven Laravel course from Adam Wathan(强烈推荐!)。

如果您正在学习本课程的早期课程但正在使用 Laravel 5.5,则需要更新一些内容:

  1. 而不是 $this->get('...');,使用 $response = $this->get('...');
  2. 而不是 $this->see(),使用 $response->assertSee()

Laravel 已将 HTTP 测试层和辅助方法从 5.3(截屏视频中使用的 Laravel 版本)更新到 5.5。您的 5.5 功能规范应更新为以下内容:


class ViewConcertListingTest extends TestCase

    use DatabaseMigrations;

    /** @test */
    public function user_can_view_a_concert_listing()
        // Arrange
        // Create a concert
        $concert = Concert::create([
            'title' => 'The Red Chord',
            // ...

        // Act
        // View the concert listing
        $response = $this->get('/concerts/' . $concert->id);

        // Assert
        // See the concert details
        $response->assertSee('The Red Chord');
        // ...