Bayesian Ordered Logit - 尝试根据模态个体绘制随时间变化的预测 y

Bayesian Ordered Logit - Trying to plot predicted y over time based on a modal individual

我有一个数据集,其中结合了多年来对不同国家的多项调查。我的因变量 (lrparty) 是根据调查受访者的政党的意识形态立场(范围从 0 到 10)。我有几个自变量,例如受访者的年龄、性别、教育程度、党派偏见和收入。

然后,对于每一方和每项调查,我想根据模态个体(例如,年龄 = 31,女性 = 1,教育 = 2,收入 = 2,和党派 = 1) 随着时间的推移。因此,图表看起来像:x 轴 = 年; y 轴 = 根据模态个体对 lrparty 的预测值。

总而言之,这些是我正在尝试做的阶段: 1. 估计模型: 政党 (lrparty) 位置的有序对数,对受访者的性别、年龄、教育、收入和党派关系进行回归。

  1. 进行后抽。

  2. 预测模态受访者的派对安排(例如,500 抽奖)

  3. 然后,我希望得到一个如下所示的数据集: 年份、调查、国家/地区、党(cmp 代码)、%missing placements、x1:x500(来自抽奖)

  4. 我将从该数据集中生成我的图表。例如,对于英国,根据 CSES 调查。

为了弄清楚代码,我开始只使用一项调查 (cses)、一个国家 (uk) 和一个政党 (conservatives),如下面的代码所示。但是我不知道如何从我在代码中的位置到达我想要的情节(如上所述)。


    ## Data:

    ## Keeping only country = uk; survey = cses; party = conservatives
    uk_cses_con = pbrands %>% 
    select(lrparty, female, age, education, income, partisan, year, survey,                                 
    country, cmp, party_name_short, party_name_english, lrs) %>% 
    filter(survey == "cses") %>% 
    filter(country == "uk") %>% 
    filter(cmp == 51620)

    ## Conducting a Bayesian ordered logit model
    fit <- brm(lrparty ~ age + income + education + female + partisan, 
       data = uk_cses_con, family = "cumulative", chains = 4, iter = 1000)

    ## Trace and Density Plots for MCMC Samples

    ## Posterior Predictive Checks

    ## Getting variables' modes: 
    getmode <- function(v) {
    uniqv <- unique(v)
    uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))]


    ## Creating the data frame for the modal individual 
    newavg <- data.frame(age = 31, female = 1, education = 2, income = 2,              
    partisan = 0, years = uk_cses_con$year)

    ## predict response for new data
    pred <- predict(fit, newdata = newavg)

    # extract posterior samples of population-level effects
    samples1 <- posterior_samples(fit)

    ## Display marginal effects of predictors
    marginal <- marginal_effects(fit)

    ## Plot predicted lrparty (my dependent variable) over time (with error:         
    confidence interval) based on the modal respondent (age = 31, female = 1,                 
    education = 0, income = 0, partisan = 0)



    ## Packages
    install.packages(c("bmrs", "coda", "mvtnorm", "devtools"))

    ## Loading the data

    ## Keeping the variables of our interest
    mydata = mydata %>% 
    select(lrparty, female, age, education, income, partisan, year, survey, 
     country, cmp, party_name_short, party_name_english, lrs) 

    ## Function for calculating modes
    getmode <- function(v) {
    uniqv = unique(v)
    uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))]

    ## Finding Modal respondents by country, survey, and party:

    ## Modes by country 
    mode_by_country = mydata %>% 
    group_by(country) %>% 
    mutate(modal_age = getmode(na.omit(age))) %>% 
    mutate(modal_inc = getmode(na.omit(income))) %>% 
    mutate(modal_female = getmode(na.omit(female))) %>% 
    mutate(modal_edu = getmode(na.omit(education))) %>% 
    mutate(modal_partisan = getmode(na.omit(partisan))) %>% 

    mode_by_country = mode_by_country[ , c(9, 14:18)]

    mode_by_country = mode_by_country[-40, ]

    ## Build object to receive the information we want to store
    runner <- c()
    pred = matrix(NA, 2000, 11)
    yhat = matrix(NA, 2000, 1)

    ###### Conducting the model for UK with two parties #########
    uk = mydata %>% 
    select(lrparty, female, age, education, income, partisan, year, survey,               
    country, cmp, party_name_short, party_name_english, lrs) %>% 
    filter(survey == "cses") %>% 
    filter(country == "uk") %>% 
    filter(cmp == 51320 | cmp == 51620)

    ## Finding how many regressions will be conducted
    reglength <- length(unique(uk$survey)) * length(unique(uk$year)) *  length(unique(uk$cmp))

    ## Creating our modal British individual based on mode_by_country
    mode_by_country[mode_by_country$country == "uk", c(2:6)]

    newavg <- data.frame(age = 35, income = 2, female = 1, education = 2,  partisan = 0)

    ## Loop to conduct the ordered logit in rstan, using iter=1000, and           chains=4

    for(p in na.omit(unique(uk$cmp))){

    hold <- uk[uk$cmp == p, ]
    country <- hold$country[1]

    for(s in na.omit(unique(hold$survey))){

        hold1 <- hold[hold$survey == s, ]

        for(y in na.omit(unique(hold1$year))){

            mod <- brm(lrparty ~ age + female + education + income + partisan, data = hold1[hold1$year == y, ], family = "cumulative", chains = 4, iter = 1000)

            for(i in 1:2000) {
              pred[i,] <- predict(mod, newdata = newavg, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), summary=TRUE) 
              yhat[i] <- sum(pred[i, ] * c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11))

              newData <- data.frame(country, p, s, y, pred, yhat)
              newData$m <- mean(newData$yhat)
              newData$sd <- sd(newData$yhat)
              newData$lower <- newData$m - 1.96*newData$sd 
              newData$upper <- newData$m + 1.96*newData$sd   

            runner <- rbind(runner, newData)

    ## Keeping unique values within dataset
    uniqdata = runner %>% 

    ## Creating the Figure
    uniqdata2 <- uniqdata[, c(1:4, 17:20)]

    uniqdata3 <- uniqdata2 %>% 
    gather(variable, value, -(y:p)) %>%
    unite(temp, p, variable) %>%
    spread(temp, value)

    uniqdata3 = uniqdata3[ , -c(3,6,8,11)]

    names(uniqdata3)[3:8] = c("lower_lab", "m_lab", "upper_lab", "lower_con", "m_con", "upper_con")

    uniqdata3[3:8] = as.numeric(unlist(uniqdata3[3:8]))

    ## Plot: Predicted Party Ideological Placement for Modal British Respondent

    ggplot(uniqdata3, aes(x = (y))) + geom_line(aes(y = m_lab, colour = "Labor")) + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower_lab,ymax = upper_lab,
              linetype=NA), alpha = .25) +
    geom_line(aes(y = m_con, color = "Conservatives")) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower_con,
              ymax = upper_con,
              linetype=NA), alpha = .25) +
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(legend.position = "bottom", plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(title = "Predicted Party Ideological Placement for Modal British Respondent \n Survey = CSES") + theme(plot.title = element_text(color="black", size=20, face="bold.italic"), axis.title.x = element_text(color="black", size=15, face="italic"), axis.title.y = element_text(color="black", size=15, face="italic")) + 
    theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color="black", size= 12.5), axis.text.y = element_text(color="black", size=12.5)) + theme(legend.text = element_text(size=15)) + scale_x_continuous(name="Year", breaks=seq(1997, 2005, 2)) + scale_y_continuous(name="Left-Right Party Position", limits=c(0, 10))