如何将 HttpClientHandler 添加到 url?

How to add HttpClientHandler to url?


var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler
    Proxy = new WebProxy(proxy.Address, proxy.Port),
    UseProxy = true


var url = new Url(hostUrl)

如何将请求处理程序添加到 FlurlClient?

创建您自己的 ProxiedHttpClientFactory 来覆盖 CreateMessageHandler() 方法:

public class ProxiedHttpClientFactory : DefaultHttpClientFactory
    private readonly string _proxyAddress;
    private readonly int _proxyPort;

    public ProxiedHttpClientFactory(string proxyAddress, int proxyPort)
        this._proxyAddress = proxyAddress;
        this._proxyPort = proxyPort;

    public override HttpMessageHandler CreateMessageHandler()
        return new HttpClientHandler
            Proxy = new WebProxy(this._proxyAddress, this._proxyPort),
            UseProxy = true


var settings = new FlurlHttpSettings
    HttpClientFactory = new ProxiedHttpClientFactory("my.proxy.com", 8080)

var client = new FlurlClient(settings);

并且在现有的 Url 实例上:

var url = new Url(hostUrl)
               .ConfigureClient(settings => settings.HttpClientFactory = new ProxiedHttpClientFactory("my.proxy.com", 8080));