如何以编程方式更改 ngTable 标题颜色?

How to change ngTable title colors programmatically?

In this plunk 我有一个动态创建的 ngTable,以编程方式设置每一列的行颜色。如何更改列标题的颜色?


<table ng-table-dynamic="tableParams with cols" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
    <tr ng-repeat="row in data">
      <td ng-repeat="col in cols" ng-style="{ 'color': col.color }">{{row[col.nm]}}</td>


var app = angular.module('app', ['ngTable']);

app.controller('myCtl', function($scope,NgTableParams) {

      $scope.cols = [ 
        {nm:'uid', title:'User ID', color: 'blue'}, 
        {nm:'ugr', title: 'Group ID', color: 'red'} 

      $scope.data = [ 
        { uid: 'aaa',ugr: '222'},
        { uid: 'bbb', ugr: '111'}

      $scope.tableParams = new NgTableParams({dataset: $scope.data});


您需要包含一个主题。这是更新后的 Plunker

<table ng-table-dynamic="tableParams with cols" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
          <th ng-repeat="col in cols" ng-style="{ 'color': col.color }">{{col.title}}</th>
  <tr ng-repeat="row in data">
      <td ng-repeat="col in cols" ng-style="{ 'color': col.color }">{{row[col.nm]}}</td>

您可以对 cols 数组中的每个对象使用 class 属性:

$scope.cols = [ 
    {nm:'uid', title:'User ID', class: 'text-blue' }, 
    {nm:'ugr', title: 'Group ID', class: 'text-red'} 

然后在您的样式表中设置适当的 css 类:

  color: #0000ff; 

  color: #ff0000; 

Demo Plunk

正确的方法是 Matthew Cawley 的回答,但如果您想对 table header 进行其他修改,知道您可以更改 [=28= 的模板是很有用的]:


<table  template-header="table-header.html" ng-table-dynamic="tableParams with cols" class="table table-bordered table-hover">

之后,在您的项目中添加文件 table-header.html:

    <th title="{{$column.headerTitle(this)}}"
        ng-repeat="$column in $columns"
                    'sortable': $column.sortable(this),
                    'sort-asc': params.sorting()[$column.sortable(this)]=='asc',
                    'sort-desc': params.sorting()[$column.sortable(this)]=='desc',
        ng-click="sortBy($column, $event)"
        ng-init="template = $column.headerTemplateURL(this)"
        class="header {{$column.class(this)}} {{$column.headerClass}}">
        <div ng-if="!template" class="ng-table-header" ng-class="{'sort-indicator': params.settings().sortingIndicator == 'div'}">
            <span ng-bind="$column.title(this)" ng-class="{'sort-indicator': params.settings().sortingIndicator == 'span'}"></span>
        <div ng-if="template" ng-include="template"></div>


$scope.cols = [ 
        {nm:'uid', title:'User ID', headerClass: 'blue'}, 
        {nm:'ugr', title: 'Group ID', headerClass: 'red'} 

也别忘了css 类:

.red {
  color: red;
.blue {
  color: blue;