读取二进制文件:Python 是否有等价的 unget()?

Reading a binary file: does Python have an unget() equivalent?

我正在寻找二进制文件中的 2 字节序列,该文件太大而无法放入内存。我不能简单地一次读取 2 个字节,因为,例如

xx xx x1 2x xx




with open("myfile", "rb") as f:
    byte = f.read(1)
    while byte:
        if byte == b'1':
            if f.read(1) == b'2':
                # success case
                # put back the latest byte somehow
        byte = f.read(1)


io.BufferedReader() object has a peek() method:

Return bytes from the stream without advancing the position. At most one single read on the raw stream is done to satisfy the call. The number of bytes returned may be less or more than requested.


with open("myfile", "rb") as f:
    for byte in iter(lambda: f.read(1), b''):
        if byte == b'1':
            if f.peek(1) == b'2':
                # success case

考虑到我们查看的字节仍然是 'in the stream',下一个 f.read() 调用将包含它。如果您不想要,则必须发出明确的 f.read(1)

我用 iter() 2-argument call 替换了你的 while 循环,以便在 for 循环中一次读取文件 1 个字节。