
Matching a text in webpage content but thorws out of index error


import os
import re

url = "http://www.jabong.com/purys-Beige-Shirts-1059637.html"
wget_data = os.popen('wget -qO- %s'% url).read()
data = re.findall(r'c999 fs12 mt10 f-bold">(.*)<\/table',wget_data)[0]
print data


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "variable_concat.py", line 7, in <module>
    images = re.findall(r'c999 fs12 mt10 f-bold">(.*)<\/table',wget_data)[0]
IndexError: list index out of range


r'c999 fs12 mt10 f-bold">(.*)<\/table'

使用 BeautifulSoup 解析器。

import os
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = "http://www.jabong.com/purys-Beige-Shirts-1059637.html"
wget_data = os.popen('wget -qO- %s'% url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(wget_data)
print soup.find('table', class_="c999 fs12 mt10 f-bold").contents

如果你真的想使用正则表达式,那么你需要启用 DOTALL 修饰符。因为默认情况下 . 不会匹配换行符(\n\r)。

import os
import re

url = "http://www.jabong.com/purys-Beige-Shirts-1059637.html"
wget_data = os.popen('wget -qO- %s'% url).read()
data = re.findall(r'(?s)c999 fs12 mt10 f-bold">(.*?)<\/table',wget_data)[0]
print data