
Writing files with different( unique) name

可能重复: how to save() with a particular variable name

我需要编写我的代码的输出,它生成大约 200 个 50k*4 的文件。我想知道我是否可以在我的工作目录中用不同的名称写入每个单独的文件。现在我最多只能使用以下代码保存一个文件:




      affy.data = ReadAffy()
      for(i in 1: length(affy.data))

       eset.mas5 = mas5(affy.data[,i])

    ## getting the expression matrix (probesets/genes in rows, chips in columns).
    exprSet.nologs = exprs(eset.mas5)

    ## At this time let's log-transform the expression values to get a more normal distribution. 
    ## We have to remember we've done this when we calculate ratios. Logarithms can use any
    ## base, but base 2 is easiest when transforming ratios, since transformed 2-fold
    ## ratios up or down will be +1 or -1. As a result, we'll do all logs with base
    ## 2 to keep thing simplest.
    #exprSet = log(exprSet.nologs, 2)

    ## While we're doing Affymetrix-specific preprocessing, let's calculate an Absent/Present call for each probeset.
    # Run the Affy A/P call algorithm on the CEL files we processed above
    data.mas5calls = mas5calls(affy.data[,i])

    # Get the actual A/P calls
    data.mas5calls.calls = exprs(data.mas5calls)

    ## Getting pvalue
    pvalue <- assayData(data.mas5calls)[["se.exprs"]]

    ## Combining data
    data.full <- cbind(exprSet.nologs,data.mas5calls.calls,pvalue)
    colnames(data.full) <- c("VALUE","ABS_CALL","DETECTION P-VALUE")
    write.table(data.full, file="1.txt", quote=F, sep="\t")


for(i in 1:length(affy.data)) {
    write.table(data.full, file=paste0(i,".txt"), quote=F, sep="\t")