SQL select 语句针对 table 的多个特定区域

SQL select statement targeting multiple specific areas of a table

我能做到这一点,但我想不通的是如何在 count() 结果之前列出分支的名称。


结果看起来像 "Branch Name".."Number of loaned books" "Next Branch".."Number of loaned books"


select count(bookLoans.bookID) from bookLoans
inner join libraryBranches on bookLoans.lbID = libraryBranches.lbID
where libraryBranches.branchName = 'Sharpstown'


select count(bookLoans.bookID), libraryBranches.branchName from bookLoans
inner join libraryBranches on bookLoans.lbID = libraryBranches.lbID
Group by libraryBranches.branchName


对于你的第一个问题,你只需要在你的 "select" 中添加 branchName,并在请求的末尾添加一个 "group by" :

select libraryBranches.branchName, count(bookLoans.bookID) from bookLoans
inner join libraryBranches on bookLoans.lbID = libraryBranches.lbID
where libraryBranches.branchName = 'Sharpstown'
group by libraryBranches.branchName;

要获得结果中的所有分支,只需删除 "where" 部分即可。如果需要,您可以在末尾添加一个 "order by" :

select libraryBranches.branchName, count(bookLoans.bookID) from bookLoans
inner join libraryBranches on bookLoans.lbID = libraryBranches.lbID
group by libraryBranches.branchName
order by libraryBranches.branchName;