对于所有对象类型 T,sizeof(T) >= alignof(T) 总是这样吗?

Is it always the case that sizeof(T) >= alignof(T) for all object types T?

对于任何对象类型 T 是否总是 sizeof(T) 至少与 alignof(T) 一样大?


struct small {
  char c;

在正常情况下,它们的 "size" 也向上调整,以便数组中对象之间的关系在保持对齐的同时有意义(至少在我的 testing 中是这样。例如:

struct alignas(16) small16 {
  char c;

大小和对齐方式均为 16。

至少在标准 C++ 中,对于任何你可以创建数组(长度 > 1)的东西,这都必须是真的。如果你有

Foo arr[2];

alignof(Foo) > sizeof(Foo),那么arr[0]arr[1]不能同时对齐。

As shows, though, at least some compilers will allow you to declare a type with alignment greater than its size, with the result that the compiler simply won't let you declare an array of that type. This is not standards-compliant C++ (it uses type attributes, which are a GCC extension), 但这意味着你在实践中可以有alignof(T) > sizeof(T).

数组参数采用 sizeof(Foo) > 0,这对于标准支持的任何类型都是正确的,但是 编译器扩展破坏该保证的示例:一些编译器允许 0 长度数组,与0 sizeof 和正 alignof.

#include <iostream>

typedef double foo __attribute__ ((aligned (64)));
alignas(64) double bar;
double baz __attribute__ ((aligned (64)));

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::cout << "foo sizeof: " << sizeof(foo) << " alignof: " << alignof(foo) << "\n";
    std::cout << "bar sizeof: " << sizeof(bar) << " alignof: " << alignof(decltype(bar)) << "\n";
    std::cout << "baz sizeof: " << sizeof(baz) << " alignof: " << alignof(decltype(baz)) << "\n";


clang++ -std=c++11 alignof_test.cpp -o alignof_test && ./alignof_test


foo sizeof: 8 alignof: 64
bar sizeof: 8 alignof: 8
baz sizeof: 8 alignof: 8


根据引入alignof运算符的c++ 11 standardsizeof定义如下(见5.3.3 expr.sizeof):

The sizeof operator yields the number of bytes in the object representation of its operand


An alignof expression yields the alignment requirement of its operand type.

由于 alignof 的定义指定了可能由用户提出的要求,而不是语言规范,我们可以操纵编译器:

typedef uint32_t __attribute__ ((aligned (64))) aligned_uint32_t;
std::cout << sizeof(aligned_uint32_t) << " -> " << alignof(aligned_uint32_t);
// Output: 4 -> 64



aligned_uint32_t arr[2];

结果 error: alignment of array elements is greater than element size

由于数组要求指定类型符合条件:sizeof(T) >= alignof(T)

许多编译器允许大小为 0 的数组。对齐方式与唯一元素的对齐方式保持一致。
