使地图适合 Carto 移动 SDK 中的对象

Fit map to objects in Carto mobile SDK

我有一个 NTVectorElements 数组,如何设置地图边界以使其适合屏幕上的每个元素?我看到了 moveToFitBounds 函数,但我不确定如何实现它。你有例子吗?



NTVectorElements 没有立即获取对象边界的方法,您需要遍历数组中的所有元素才能找到它们的几何图形的全局最大值和最小值


-(void)fitMapToCurrentlyLoadedSites {
    int siteCount = (int)[_sitesOrderArray count];
    if (siteCount > 0) {
        if (siteCount == 1) {
            //zoom in on single site
            GenericMapMarker *siteMarker = [_sitesOrderArray objectAtIndex:0];
            NTMapPos *sitePosition = [CommonFunctions getMapPosFromCoordinate:_ntMapView coordinate:siteMarker.coordinate];
            [_ntMapView setFocusPos:sitePosition durationSeconds:0];
            [_ntMapView setZoom:15.0 durationSeconds:0];
        } else {
            //create vector of multiple sites
            NTMapPosVector* posVector = [[NTMapPosVector alloc] init];
            for (int i = 0; i < siteCount; i++) {
                GenericMapMarker *siteMarker = [_sitesOrderArray objectAtIndex:i];
                //get mapPos from coordinate
                NTMapPos *mapPos = [CommonFunctions getMapPosFromCoordinate:_ntMapView coordinate:siteMarker.coordinate];
                [posVector add:mapPos];
            //create envelope of vectors
            NTMapEnvelope *envelope = [[NTMapEnvelope alloc] initWithConvexHull:posVector];
            //get mapBounds of envelope
            NTMapBounds *bounds = [envelope getBounds];

            [_ntMapView moveToFitBounds:bounds screenBounds:[self findScreenBounds] integerZoom:TRUE durationSeconds:1.0f];


-(NTScreenBounds *)findScreenBounds {
    float screenWidth = self.view.frame.size.width;
    float screenHeight = self.view.frame.size.height;
    NTScreenPos *minScreenPos = [[NTScreenPos alloc] initWithX:0.0 y:0.0];
    NTScreenPos *maxScreenPos = [[NTScreenPos alloc] initWithX:screenWidth y:screenHeight];
    return [[NTScreenBounds alloc] initWithMin:minScreenPos max:maxScreenPos];