Rocket 未在 URL 中解析 RawStr 以匹配路由
Rocket not parsing RawStr in a URL to match route
guide on Rocket's site表示可以对动态路由进行排序。该示例使用不同类型的动态部分作为路由的匹配条件。当我将 url 与 usize
GET /user/three text/html:
=> Matched: GET /user/<id>
=> Failed to parse 'id': RawStr("three")
=> Outcome: Forward
=> Error: No matching routes for GET /user/three text/html.
=> Warning: Responding with 404 Not Found catcher.
=> Response succeeded.
extern crate rocket;
use rocket::http::RawStr;
fn user(id: usize) -> String { format!("First rank") }
#[get("/user/<id>", rank = 2)]
fn user_int(id: isize) -> String { format!("second rank") }
#[get("/user/<id>", rank = 3)]
fn user_str(id: &RawStr) -> String { format!("last rank") }
fn main() {
rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![user]).launch();
我希望 /user/three
的页面显示测试 last rank
而不是 404 error
Rocket 不知道你的路线除非你告诉它:
fn main() {
rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![user, user_int, user_str]).launch();
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
guide on Rocket's site表示可以对动态路由进行排序。该示例使用不同类型的动态部分作为路由的匹配条件。当我将 url 与 usize
GET /user/three text/html:
=> Matched: GET /user/<id>
=> Failed to parse 'id': RawStr("three")
=> Outcome: Forward
=> Error: No matching routes for GET /user/three text/html.
=> Warning: Responding with 404 Not Found catcher.
=> Response succeeded.
extern crate rocket;
use rocket::http::RawStr;
fn user(id: usize) -> String { format!("First rank") }
#[get("/user/<id>", rank = 2)]
fn user_int(id: isize) -> String { format!("second rank") }
#[get("/user/<id>", rank = 3)]
fn user_str(id: &RawStr) -> String { format!("last rank") }
fn main() {
rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![user]).launch();
我希望 /user/three
的页面显示测试 last rank
而不是 404 error
Rocket 不知道你的路线除非你告诉它:
fn main() {
rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![user, user_int, user_str]).launch();
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^