如何使用 Reactive UI 在单击按钮与按下按钮(按住)后触发不同的操作

How to use Reactive UI to trigger a different action following a button click vs button press (hold)

我正在尝试实现一个 UI 控件,用户可以在其中单击按钮让物体移动一点,或者按住按钮并在按住按钮的同时让物体移动.

假设我有 Task<Unit> StartMove()Task<Unit> StopMove()Task<Unit> MoveStep()。单击按钮应执行 MoveStep() 并且按住按钮应该开始移动,然后在释放按钮时立即停止移动。移动发生时应忽略快速点击(双击),并且每秒发送的 MoveStep 命令不应超过 2 倍。还需要一些故障安全装置,它会在出现错误或长时间超时(比如 5 分钟)后停止移动。

按钮按下由 Button 对象上的 属性 表示,当用户按下按钮时触发 true 值,释放时触发 false 值,这值在常规 WPF 按钮上称为 IsPressed。真值后跟假值不到一秒表示点击,真值后跟假值超过一秒表示保持(此秒值也可以调整为半秒)。

问题归结为获取以随机间隔到达的真/假值流(想想:猴子随机按下按钮)并从该流中确定按钮是被单击还是被按住。基于此,应触发操作:MoveStep 表示单击,StartMove 然后 StopMove 表示按钮按住。



到目前为止我有 MainWindow

public partial class MainWindow : Window, IViewFor<AppViewModel>
    public AppViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
    object IViewFor.ViewModel { get => ViewModel; set => ViewModel = value as AppViewModel; }

    public MainWindow()
        ViewModel = new AppViewModel();
        DataContext = ViewModel;

        this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.MoveLeftButton.IsPressed).InvokeCommand(this, x => x.ViewModel.MoveLeftCommand);


    protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)

一个 AppViewModel

public class AppViewModel : ReactiveObject, IDisposable
    public ReactiveCommand<bool, bool> MoveLeftCommand { get; protected set; }

    public AppViewModel()
        MoveLeftCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<bool, bool>(isPressed => _MoveLeft(isPressed));

            .Do(x => _InterpretCommand(x))
            .Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"{TimeStamp} {string.Join(",", x)}"))


    private Task<bool> _MoveLeft(bool isPressed)
        return Task.Run(() => isPressed); // Just to set a breakpoint here really

    private static void _InterpretCommand(IList<bool> listOfBools)
        if (listOfBools == null || listOfBools.Count == 0)

        if (listOfBools.First() == false)
            Console.WriteLine("Stop move");

        if (listOfBools.Count == 1 && listOfBools.First() == true)
            Console.WriteLine("Start move");

        if (listOfBools.Count >= 2)
            Console.WriteLine("Click move");

而我的 MainWindow.xaml 真的只是

        <Button x:Name="MoveLeftButton" Content="Left"/>


        var rands = new Random();

        var better = Observable.Generate(
            _ => true,
            x => !x,
            x => x,
            _ => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(rands.Next(1000)))

            .Do(x => _InterpretCommand(x))
            .Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine($"{TimeStamp} {string.Join(",", x)}"));

    static string TimeStamp => DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


2017-10-06 19:11:54.231 
Start move
2017-10-06 19:11:54.720 True
2017-10-06 19:11:55.220 
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:11:55.719 False,True
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:11:56.221 False
Start move
2017-10-06 19:11:56.719 True
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:11:57.222 False
2017-10-06 19:11:57.719 
Start move
2017-10-06 19:11:58.220 True
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:11:58.720 False
2017-10-06 19:11:59.219 
Click move
2017-10-06 19:11:59.719 True,False
2017-10-06 19:12:00.217 
Start move
2017-10-06 19:12:00.719 True
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:12:01.221 False
Click move
2017-10-06 19:12:01.722 True,False
Start move
2017-10-06 19:12:02.217 True
2017-10-06 19:12:02.722 
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:12:03.220 False
2017-10-06 19:12:03.720 
Start move
2017-10-06 19:12:04.217 True
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:12:04.722 False
Start move
2017-10-06 19:12:05.220 True
Stop move
2017-10-06 19:12:05.516 False

根据我有限的经验,我相信您应该能够在 WhenAnyValue 语句之后但在调用命令之前添加 Rx 扩展,例如 ThrottleBuffer

this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.MoveLeftButton.IsPressed) .Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) .InvokeCommand(this, x => x.ViewModel.MoveLeftCommand);

从这个答案中获得洞察力: 我把一些很棒的东西串起来了!

BufferWithClosingValue 来自链接的答案:

public static IObservable<IList<TSource>> BufferWithClosingValue<TSource>(
    this IObservable<TSource> source, 
    TimeSpan maxTime, 
    TSource closingValue)
    return source.GroupByUntil(_ => true,
                               g => g.Where(i => i.Equals(closingValue)).Select(_ => Unit.Default)
                                     .Merge(Observable.Timer(maxTime).Select(_ => Unit.Default)))
                 .SelectMany(i => i.ToList());


var alternatingTrueFalse = Observable.Generate(
    _ => true,
    x => !x,
    x => x,
    _ => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(new Random().Next(1000)))

var bufferedWithTime = alternatingTrueFalse.BufferWithClosingValue(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), false);

var clicks = bufferedWithTime.Where(x => x.Count() == 2).ThrottleFirst(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));
var holdStarts = bufferedWithTime.Where(x => x.Count() == 1 && x.First() == true);
var holdStops = bufferedWithTime.Where(x => x.Count() == 1 && x.First() == false);

clicks.Select(_ => "Click").DumpTimes("Clicks");
holdStarts.Select(_ => "Hold Start").DumpTimes("Hold Start");
holdStops.Select(_ => "Hold Stop").DumpTimes("Hold stop");

使用此答案中的 ThrottleFirst / SampleFirst 实现:


2017-10-08 16:58:14.549 - Hold Start-->Hold Start :: 6
2017-10-08 16:58:15.032 - Hold stop-->Hold Stop :: 7
2017-10-08 16:58:15.796 - Clicks-->Click :: 7
2017-10-08 16:58:16.548 - Clicks-->Click :: 6
2017-10-08 16:58:17.785 - Hold Start-->Hold Start :: 5
2017-10-08 16:58:18.254 - Hold stop-->Hold Stop :: 7
2017-10-08 16:58:19.294 - Hold Start-->Hold Start :: 8
2017-10-08 16:58:19.728 - Hold stop-->Hold Stop :: 7
2017-10-08 16:58:20.186 - Clicks-->Click :: 6
