spring 集成中的错误处理 - 如何获取多个线程中抛出的所有错误并将它们发送到错误通道

Error handling in spring integration - How to get all the errors thrown in multiple threads and send them to the error-channel



public IntegrationFlow provisionUserFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("input.channel")
      s -> s
            .subscribe(f -> f.handle(provisionerA, "provision"))
            .subscribe(f -> f.handle(provisionerB, "provision"))

@ServiceActivator( inputChannel = "errorChannel", outputChannel = "replyChannel")

public boolean processErrors(Exception message) throws RuntimeException{

System.out.println("Message" + message.getMessage());
System.out.println ("******************************");

throw new RuntimeException(message.getMessage());


@MessagingGateway(errorChannel = "errorChannel")
public interface MGateway {

@Gateway(requestChannel = "input.channel", replyChannel = "replyChannel") 
boolean invokeProvisioner(User user);


public IntegrationFlow provisionUserFlow() {
        s -> s.applySequence(true)
            .subscribe(f -> f.enrichHeaders(e -> e.header(MessageHeaders.ERROR_CHANNEL, "errorChannel", true))
                .handle(provisionerA, "provision")
            .subscribe(f -> f.enrichHeaders(e -> e.header(MessageHeaders.ERROR_CHANNEL, "errorChannel", true))
                .handle(provisionerB, "provision")

public IntegrationFlow aggregateFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("aggregatorChannel")
    .channel( aggregatorChannel)
    .aggregate( a -> a.processor( collect, "aggregatingMethod"))

@Transformer( inputChannel = "errorChannel", outputChannel = "aggregatorChannel")
public Message<?> errorChannelHandler(ErrorMessage errorMessage) throws RuntimeException {

Message<?> failedMessage =  ((MessagingException) errorMessage.getPayload())

Exception exception = (Exception) errorMessage.getPayload();

return  MessageBuilder.withPayload( exception.getMessage())
       .copyHeadersIfAbsent( failedMessage.getHeaders() )

你看@Gateway只是Java方法。它有一个 return 并且可能会抛出一个异常。我仍然很困惑为什么人们认为 Spring 集成的工作方式有些不同。它完全基于 Java 并且没有任何魔法 - 仅调用 java 方法。

现在让我们想象一下,如果您只使用原始 Java 进行开发,您会做什么。是的,您将等待来自两个线程的依赖并为调用者构建一个 return。

我们可以对 Spring 集成做同样的事情。只需要使用 Aggregator EIP。您可以在该错误通道中捕获错误消息并通过它们的 failedMessage 将它们关联起来。 .publishSubscribeChannel() 可以与选项一起提供:

 * Specify whether to apply the sequence number and size headers to the
 * messages prior to invoking the subscribed handlers. By default, this
 * value is <code>false</code> meaning that sequence headers will
 * <em>not</em> be applied. If planning to use an Aggregator downstream
 * with the default correlation and completion strategies, you should set
 * this flag to <code>true</code>.
 * @param applySequence true if the sequence information should be applied.
public void setApplySequence(boolean applySequence) {

默认为 false。然后聚合器可以只依赖默认 correlationStrategy 并为您收集错误组 return 到 headers.

中的 replyChannel


