将 C 程序转换为 MIPS 汇编语言程序

Converting a C program into MIPS assembly language program

我正在尝试将 C 程序转换为 MIPS 汇编程序。以下是我的程序的 C 代码:(注意:Bulbs[number] 是一个数组,初始化为用户输入的 "number" 的全零值)

for(int i = 1; i <= number; i++) 
            for(int j = 1; j <= number; j++) 
                if(j % i == 0) 
                    Bulbs[j-1] = (Bulbs[j-1] + 1) % 2; 


li $t0, 0                   #$t0 is set to 0 to be used as index for for loop1
li $t1, 0                  #$t1 is set to 0 to be used as index for for loop2

li $s2, 4                  #integer 4 is stored in s2
mult $s3, $s2              #input number($s3) is multiplied by 4
mflo $s4                   #result of multiplication is stored in $s4

bgt $t0, $s4, end_loop1      #if t[=11=] > $s4(input number*4), exit loop1, 
                           #performing multiplication by 4 since word occupies 4 bytes
addi $t3, $t3, 1                #t3 is initialized to serve as "i" from for loop1
    bgt $t1, $s4, end_loop2 #if $t1 > (input number*4), exit loop2
    addi $t4, $t4, 1            #t4 is initialized to serve as "j" from for loop2
    div $t4, $t3
    mfhi $t5                #$t4 % $t3 is stored in $t5
    bne $t5, $zero, if_end  #checking for if condition

    addi $t1, $t1, 4        #increment $t1 by 4 to move to next array element
    j loop2                 #jump back to top of loop2

addi $t0, $t0, 4            #increment $t0 by 4 
j loop1                     #jump back to the top of loop1


我认为我的 for 循环实现有效,并且我准确地设置了 if 条件(如果我错了请纠正我),但我不知道如何在我之后实现 'Bulbs[j-1] = (Bulbs[j-1] + 1) % 2;' 行如果有条件。我是 MIPS 的新手,非常感谢任何帮助或反馈!

我假设您在某处将 Bulbs 定义为数组。那么

Bulbs[j-1] = (Bulbs[j-1] + 1) % 2;


la   $t7, Bulbs    # Move base pointer of bulbs to $t7
add  $t7, $t7, $t1 # $t7 = &Bulbs[j]
lw   $t6, -4($t7)  # $t6 = Bulbs[j - 1]
addi $t6, $t6, 1   # $t6 = Bulbs[j - 1] + 1
andi $t6, $t6, 1   # $t6 = (Bulbs[j - 1] + 1) % 2
sw   $t6, -4($t7)  # Bulbs[j - 1] = $t6

这是基于this information。我以前没有做过MIPS汇编,但它是RISC,它有多难? :)

顺便说一下,您的汇编翻译似乎存在错误。在 C 版本中,您的 j 从 1 开始,而在汇编版本中它似乎从 0 开始( $t1 数组索引在第二行刚刚初始化为 0,直到之后才被修改循环体)。修复很简单 - 将其初始化为 4 而不是 0。