
Recoding Multiple Likert Scales-- Any packages?

目前,我正在将我的 Likert 类型量表重新编码为数值。但是,我在这个数据集中有许多不同尺度的项目。例如:Q2.1_1:Q2.1_16 是一个采用 Likert 量表的量表,其调式与其他调查不同。目前,我正在像这样手动输入每个重新编码:

final$Q2.1_1rc <- as.numeric(recode(
    "Very slightly or not at all" = 1,
    "A little"                    = 2,
    "Moderately"                  = 3,
    "Quite a bit"                 = 4,
    "Extremely"                   = 5

然后我 C/P 继续更改变量的名称。但是,我有一个很大的数据集,因此手动执行此操作会很麻烦。谁能帮我用更短的方法来编写这个代码?有没有帮助解决这个问题的软件包?也许是一个功能?


您可以一次重新编码多个变量的一种方法是使用 dplyr 包中的 mutate_at 函数。


resp <- c("Very slightly or not at all", "A little", "Moderately", "Quite a bit", "Extremely")
final <- tibble(Q2.1_1 =  sample(resp, 6, replace = TRUE),
                Q2.2_1 =  sample(resp, 6, replace = TRUE)) 

假设你想在 final 中开始的变量的变量名都以 "Q2" 开头,你可以这样做:

final %>% 
            funs("rc" = recode(.,
                               "Very slightly or not at all" = 1,
                               "A little"                    = 2,
                               "Moderately"                  = 3,
                               "Quite a bit"                 = 4,
                               "Extremely"                   = 5)))

#> # A tibble: 6 x 4
#>                        Q2.1_1     Q2.2_1 Q2.1_1_rc Q2.2_1_rc
#>                         <chr>      <chr>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1                    A little Moderately         2         3
#> 2                 Quite a bit  Extremely         4         5
#> 3                  Moderately Moderately         3         3
#> 4                   Extremely Moderately         5         3
#> 5                   Extremely  Extremely         5         5
#> 6 Very slightly or not at all Moderately         1         3

official documentation, the best place to get started with dplyr is the data import chapter of the R for Data Science book while specific examples related to the use of mutate_at can be found here 中所述。