控制 python 输出到控制台

Controlling python outputs to console

我正在使用 Hadoop/MapReduce 构建电影推荐。
现在我只使用 python 来实现 MapReduce 过程。

所以我基本上做的是 运行 每个映射器和缩减器分别使用从映射器到缩减器的控制台输出。

我遇到的问题是 python 在终端中将值输出为字符串,因此如果我使用数字,数字将打印为字符串,这使得简化过程变得困难它的转换会增加服务器的负载。

那么我该如何解决这个问题,我正在寻求使用纯 python 而不使用第 3 方库来实现它。

import sys

def mapper():
        From Mapper1 : we need only UserID , (MovieID , rating)
        as output.

    #* First mapper

    # Read input line
    for line in sys.stdin:
        # Strip whitespace and delimiter - ','
        print line
        data = line.strip().split(',')

        if len(data) == 4:
            # Using array to print out values
            # Direct printing , makes python interpret
            # values with comma in between as tuples
            # tempout = []
            userid , movieid , rating , timestamp = data
            # tempout.append(userid)
            # tempout.append((movieid , float(rating)))
            # print tempout

            print "{0},({1},{2})".format(userid , movieid , rating)

这里是 reducer 打印语句:

def reducer():

    oldKey = None
    rating_arr = []

    for line in sys.stdin:
        # So we'll recieve user, (movie,rating)
        # We need to group the tuples for unique users
        # we'll append the tuples to an array
        # Given that we have two data points , we'll split the
        # data at only first occurance of ','
        # This splits the string only at first comma

        data = line.strip().split(',',1)
        # print len(data) , data
        # check for 2 data values
        if len(data) != 2:

        x , y = data

        if oldKey and oldKey != x:

            print "{0},{1}".format(oldKey , rating_arr)
            oldKey = x
            rating_arr = []
        oldKey = x
        # print rating_arr
    if oldKey != None:
        print "{0},{1}".format(oldKey , rating_arr)





671,['(4973,4.5)', '(4993,5.0)']


事实是数据是一个字符串,然后拆分并分配给它 y,它仍然是一个字符串


ast.literal_eval 可以提供帮助。


In [1]: line = """671,(4973,4.5)"""

In [2]:  data = line.strip().split(',',1)

In [3]: data
Out[3]: ['671', '(4973,4.5)']

In [4]: x , y = data

In [5]: type(y)
Out[5]: str

In [6]: import ast

In [7]: y = ast.literal_eval(y)

In [8]: y
Out[8]: (4973, 4.5)

In [9]: type(y)
Out[9]: tuple

In [10]: type(y[0])
Out[10]: int

现在,如果您想切换到 PySpark,您可以更好地控制 variable/object 类型,而不是使用 Hadoop Streaming 的所有字符串