在 AutoCAD 中重建多条样条曲线

Rebuild Multiple Splines in AutoCAD

我正在寻找一些允许我在 AutoCAD 中自动 "rebuild" 1 个或多个样条曲线的功能。我的图纸有数百条样条曲线,每条样条曲线有 30-50 个控制顶点。这使得绘图的处理速度非常慢,尤其是在直接与这些样条线组交互时。

我有我想做的事情的基本代码,但我现在不确定如何在 AutoLISP 中使用 cvrebuild 命令。在命令行中使用该命令只会调出一个 GUI。到目前为止,请参阅下面的代码。

我只想使用变量 n_controlvertices 和度数作为参数来调用 cvrebuild 命令。 AutoLISP 例程将一次处理一个对象并使用相同的参数重建它们。

对于代码的出现,我深表歉意。显然 AutoLISP 不能很好地与 Whosebug

;; Batch rebuild splines
;;defines command name and variables

(defun c:batchrebuild (/ ss n obj n_controlvertices 度数)

;; asks for selection

(提示 “\n选择要重建的样条曲线。” )

;;decides if any splines are selected, and if not selects all

(if (not (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "SPLINE"))))) (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "SPLINE")))) )

;;sets allowable entry to [2 (only nonzero) + 4 (only positive)]

(初始化 6)

;;asks for number of fit points. if nothing is entered, it gives it the default value of 20

(setq n_controlvertices (getint "\n控制顶点数<20>: "))

(如果 (= n_controlvertices 无) (setq n_controlvertices 20) (setq n_controlvertices (fix n_controlvertices))

;;asks for degree of fit points. if nothing is entered, it gives it the default value of 3

(setq degree (getint "\n拟合度点<3>: "))

(如果 (= 零度) (setq 度数 3) (setq degree (fix degree))

(重复(setq n (sslength ss))

(setq obj     (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq n (1- n))))

    ;;(command cvrebuild)
    ;;This is the part that I am not sure about


(原则) )

这是一个方法。 它调用命令行版本的 CVREBUILD (-CVREBUILD)。 它处理用户输入设置的系统变量。

;; Batch rebuild splines
;;defines command name and variables

(defun c:batchrebuild (/ ss n obj n_controlvertices degree rebuild2doption rebuild2ddegree rebuild2dcv cmdecho)

  ;; asks for selection
  (prompt "\nSelect splines to be rebuilt.")

  ;;decides if any splines are selected, and if not selects all
  (or (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "SPLINE"))))
      (setq ss (ssget "_X" '((0 . "SPLINE"))))
  ;; checks if the selection is not empty
  (if ss
      ;;sets allowable entry to [2 (only nonzero) + 4 (only positive)
      (initget 6)

      ;;asks for number of fit points. if nothing is entered, it gives it the default value of 20
      (setq n_controlvertices
               ((getint "\nNumber of control vertices<20>: "))
               (T 20)

      ;;asks for degree of fit points. if nothing is entered, it gives it the default value of 3
      (setq degree (cond
                     ((getint "\nDegree of fit points<3>: "))
                     (T 3)

      ;; saves the sysvars current values
      (setq rebuild2doption (getvar "REBUILD2DOPTION")
            rebuild2ddegree (getvar "REBUILD2DDEGREE")
            rebuild2dcv     (getvar "REBUILD2DCV")
            cmdecho         (getvar "CMDECHO")

      ;; sets the sysvars values according to user inputs
      (setvar "REBUILD2DOPTION" 1)
      (setvar "REBUILD2DDEGREE" degree)
      (setvar "REBUILD2DCV" n_controlvertices)
      (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)

      ;; rebuilds the selected splines
      (repeat (setq n (sslength ss))
        (command "_-cvrebuild" (ssname ss (setq n (1- n))))

      ;; restores sysvars initial values
      (setvar "REBUILD2DOPTION" rebuild2doption)
      (setvar "REBUILD2DDEGREE" rebuild2ddegree)
      (setvar "REBUILD2DCV" rebuild2dcv)
      (setvar "CMDECHO" cmdecho)