
How do I pass my subscription key without putting it through terminal?

因此,在 python sdk 上使用 Microsoft cognitive 在 CreateProfile.py 上进行说话人识别时,我在变量 subscritionKey 下设置了我的订阅密钥(注意:在此变量上设置的值示例不是我的实际产品密钥)但是当我将它放入函数 create_profile 的参数之一时,我收到错误...

Exception: Error creating profile: {"error":{"code":"Unspecified","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."}}

是否可以传递我的 subscritionKey 而不必每次都通过终端不断输入它?

import IdentificationServiceHttpClientHelper
import sys

subscritionKey = "j23h4i32h4iu3324iu234h233b43"

def create_profile(subscription_key, locale):
    """Creates a profile on the server.
    subscription_key -- the subscription key string
    locale -- the locale string
    helper = IdentificationServiceHttpClientHelper.IdentificationServiceHttpClientHelper(

    creation_response = helper.create_profile(locale)

    print('Profile ID = {0}'.format(creation_response.get_profile_id()))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print('Usage: python CreateProfile.py <subscription_key>')
        print('\t<subscription_key> is the subscription key for the service')
        #sys.exit('Error: Incorrect Usage.')

    create_profile(subscritionKey, 'en-us')



以下代码对我有用:在一个名为 main.py 的文件中,该文件位于文件夹 Identification 的一层:

import sys
from CreateProfile import create_profile

subscriptionKey = "<YOUR-KEY>"

create_profile(subscriptionKey, "en-us")

运行python main.py(带Python3),即代码returns

Profile ID = cf04bf79-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx