mosaic()-vcd 包的函数:在单元格中添加文本时出错

mosaic()-function of the vcd package: error in adding text in the cells

我使用 vcd 包中的 mosaic 函数创建了一个马赛克图。现在我想使用 labeling_cells 添加一些注释。不幸的是,我得到一个错误。问题可能是它不是标准的 Titanic 示例...

library("grid"); library("vcd")
dataset <- read.table("")

# prepare data for plot as a "Structured Contingency Table"
data1 <- structable(dauer ~ groesse + ort, dataset) 

# basic plot
       # separate the two elements of the plot  
       split_vertical = c(T, T, F),

       # put the names in the right places and adds boxes 
       labeling_args = list(tl_labels = TRUE,
                            tl_varnames = FALSE,
                            boxes = TRUE),
       # grip remains open 

# structure that matches plot, but it does not help

# try to add labels 
labeling_cells(text = data1, clip = FALSE)(data1)


# Error in ifelse(abbreviate_varnames, sapply(seq_along(dn), function(i) abbreviate(dn[i],  : 
#   replacement has length zero
# In addition: Warning message:
# In rep(no, length.out = length(ans)) :
#  'x' is NULL so the result will be NULL




是的,这很令人困惑,应该在 labeling_cells() 中解决。由于某种原因,标签中的数据应该是常规的 table,而不是 structable。我将向 mosaic() 的主要作者和包维护者 David 提出这个问题。


labeling_cells(text = as.table(data1), clip = FALSE)(as.table(data1))

已在 vcd 1.4-4 的上游修复,但请注意,您可以简单地使用

mosaic(data1, labeling = labeling_values)