在多 GPU 机器的情况下 'rescale_grad' 的正确值是多少?

What is the correct value of 'rescale_grad' in case of multi-GPU machine?

我的批量大小是 512,我有 8 个 GPU

我应该定义: rescale_grad = 1. / 512 rescale_grad = 1. / (8*512)


批量大小与计算机相关,与 GPU 无关。引用(来自here):

Workload Partitioning

By default, MXNet partitions a data batch evenly among the available GPUs. Assume a batch size b and assume there are k GPUs, then in one iteration each GPU will perform forward and backward on b/k examples. The gradients are then summed over all GPUs before updating the model.

在你的情况下 b 是 512。因此你应该使用 rescale_grad = 1. / 512