后续案例必须分配给 sugarcrm 中的活跃用户

Follow up cases must be assigned to active user in sugarcrm

全部, 我最近正在研究 SugarCRM。我们更新了 handleCreateCase 函数 InboundMail 模块。 在这个模块中,我们必须将任何案例分配给活跃用户。 假设任何用户正在处理案件,但现在他离开了公司 所以我们停用了他的帐户,但现在客户将重播案例 这个案例分配给那个用户所以我们在分配案例之前检查这个 用户是否活跃


**// Write The Code for Active User -** 
                         $qry_user = "SELECT status FROM users WHERE id='" . $assign_id . "' LIMIT 1";
                         $res_user = $this -> db -> query($qry_user, true);
                         $resultUser = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($res_user);
                         $status = $resultUser['status'];
                         if($status != 'Active'){
                             $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('Not Active User'. $assign_id);
                             $qry_db = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE is_group=0 AND deleted = 0 AND status = 'active' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
                             $res_db = $this -> db ->query($qry_db, true);
                             $fetch_db = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($res_db);
                             if (is_array($fetch_db) && count($fetch_db) > 0) {
                                 $assign_id = $fetch_db['id'];
                             } else {
                                 $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('User Not Present in Users table');
                             $assign_id = $assign_id;


我已经编写了必须分配给活跃用户的跟进案例代码,但它不起作用请帮我解决这些问题.... 代码:

                function handleCreateCase($email, $userId) {
                global $current_user, $mod_strings, $current_language;
                $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, "Emails");
                $GLOBALS['log']->debug('In handleCreateCase');
                $c = new aCase();
                $this->getCaseIdFromCaseNumber($email->name, $c);
                if (!$this->handleCaseAssignment($email) && $this->isMailBoxTypeCreateCase()) {
                    // create a case
                    $GLOBALS['log']->debug('retrieveing email');
                    $c = new aCase();
                    /*Amol If Have open case from this email*/
                    $new_case = 1;
                    //create new case?
                    $skip_checking = 0;
                    // skip mailbox for attached into existing case?
                    $email_from = $email -> from_addr;

                    $sql = "SELECT c.id FROM cases c INNER JOIN  emails e on e.parent_id=c.id INNER JOIN emails_text et on et.email_id=e.id WHERE ( c.`status`='New' OR  c.`status`='FollowUp' OR  c.`status`='PartsReqCompleted' ) AND et.from_addr LIKE '%" . $email_from . "%' ORDER BY c.date_entered DESC LIMIT 1"; //Amol
                    $results = $this -> db -> query($sql, true);
                    $row_c = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($results);

                    $skip_emailboxes = $this -> get_stored_options('create_case_skip_emails', "");
                    // skip mailboxes

                    if (!empty($skip_emailboxes)) {
                        $case_skip_followup_mailboxes_from = explode(',', $skip_emailboxes);
                        if (in_array($email_from, $case_skip_followup_mailboxes_from)) {
                            $skip_checking = 1;
                    if (strpos((trim(strtolower($email->to_addrs))), "xxx@xxx.xxx") !== false) {
                        $fixedstring   = "CASE";
                        if(count($row_c) <= 0){
                        if (strpos($email->name, $fixedstring) !== false) {
                                list($first_str, $second_str) = explode('[CASE:', $subject);
                                list($first_string, $second_string) = explode(']', $second_str);
                                $caseId = $first_string;
                                $new_case=0; // Already exist case
                            $new_case=1; // New Case
                        preg_match("/Name:(.*)/", $email -> description, $data);
                        $mailer_name = trim($data[1]); 
                        $email_sender= $email->reply_to_email;

                        $sql_acc = "SELECT eabr.bean_id, eabr.bean_module FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabr JOIN email_addresses ea ON (ea.id = eabr.email_address_id) WHERE eabr.deleted=0 AND ea.email_address = '$email_sender' AND eabr.bean_module='Accounts'";

                        $res = $this->db->query($sql_acc);
                        while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchByAssoc($res)) {
                                $id = $row['bean_id'];

                            $mailer_name = mysql_escape_string($mailer_name);
                                $id = $acc_id;
                                $insert_acc="INSERT INTO `accounts`(`id`, `name`) VALUES ('$acc_id','$mailer_name')";
                                $email_add_id = create_guid();
                                $email_sender_upper = strtoupper($email_sender);
                                $insert_emai_add="INSERT INTO `email_addresses`(`id`, `email_address`, `email_address_caps`) VALUES ('$email_add_id','$email_sender','$email_sender_upper')";
                                $relation_id = create_guid();
                                $insert_rel="INSERT INTO `email_addr_bean_rel`(`id`, `email_address_id`, `bean_id`, `bean_module`) VALUES ('$relation_id','$email_add_id','$acc_id','Accounts')";

                        $c -> account_id = $id;

                    $c -> description = $email -> description;
                    /* Asssign Case*/
                    if ($new_case) {
                        $createCaseAssignId = $this -> get_stored_options('create_case_user_id', "");
                    } else {
                        $createCaseAssignId = '';
                    if (!empty($createCaseAssignId)) {
                        $case_assign_uids = explode(',', $createCaseAssignId);
                        //check for last assigned
                        $query = "SELECT * FROM case_email_quene WHERE mailbox_id = '" . $this -> id . "' LIMIT 1 ";
                        $results = $this -> db -> query($query, true);
                        $row = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($results);
                        if (is_array($row) && count($row) > 0) {
                            if ($row['last_uid'] == end($case_assign_uids)) {
                                $query = "UPDATE case_email_quene SET last_uid='" . $case_assign_uids[0] . "' WHERE mailbox_id = '" . $this -> id . "' ";
                                $results = $this -> db -> query($query, true);
                                $assign_id = $case_assign_uids[0];
                            } else {// if not end of array
                                $keys = array_keys($case_assign_uids, $row['last_uid']);
                                if (is_array($keys) && count($keys) > 0) {//if we have this user selected
                                    $new_key = $keys[0] + 1;
                                    $query = "UPDATE case_email_quene SET last_uid='" . $case_assign_uids[$new_key] . "' WHERE mailbox_id = '" . $this -> id . "' ";
                                    $results = $this -> db -> query($query, true);
                                    $assign_id = $case_assign_uids[$new_key];

                                } else {// if record was updated
                                    $query = "UPDATE case_email_quene SET last_uid='" . $case_assign_uids[0] . "' WHERE mailbox_id = '" . $this -> id . "' ";
                                    $results = $this -> db -> query($query, true);
                                    $assign_id = $case_assign_uids[0];
                        } else {//but if not registered?
                            $query = "INSERT INTO case_email_quene (mailbox_id,last_uid) VALUES ('" . $this -> id . "','" . $case_assign_uids[0] . "') ";
                            $results = $this -> db -> query($query, true);
                            $assign_id = $case_assign_uids[0];
                        //$this->id mailbox id
                        $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('New Case - User Id: ' . $assign_id);
                        **// Write The Code for Active User -** 
                         $qry_user = "SELECT status FROM users WHERE id='" . $assign_id . "' LIMIT 1";
                         $res_user = $this -> db -> query($qry_user, true);
                         $resultUser = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($res_user);
                         $status = $resultUser['status'];
                         if($status != 'Active'){
                             $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('Not Active User'. $assign_id);
                             $qry_db = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE is_group=0 AND deleted = 0 AND status = 'active' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
                             $res_db = $this -> db ->query($qry_db, true);
                             $fetch_db = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($res_db);
                             if (is_array($fetch_db) && count($fetch_db) > 0) {
                                 $assign_id = $fetch_db['id'];
                             } else {
                                 $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('User Not Present in Users table');
                             $assign_id = $assign_id;
                        $c -> assigned_user_id = $assign_id;
                    } elseif ($new_case) {
                        /*check if database not empty then empty it*/
                        $query = "SELECT * FROM case_email_quene WHERE mailbox_id = '" . $this -> id . "' LIMIT 1 ";
                        $results = $this -> db -> query($query, true);
                        $row_id = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($results);
                        if (is_array($row_id) && count($row_id) > 0) {
                            $query = "DELETE FROM  case_email_quene  WHERE mailbox_id = '" . $this -> id . "' ";
                            $results = $this -> db -> query($query, true);

                        $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('Existing Case - User Id: ' . $userId);

                        $c -> assigned_user_id = $userId;



请将代码放在 handleCaseAssignment()

function handleCaseAssignment($email) {
    $c = new aCase();
    if ($caseId = $this -> getCaseIdFromCaseNumber($email -> name, $c)) {
        $c -> retrieve($caseId);
        if (($c -> status == "Closed") || ($c -> status == "Rejected")) {//Amol
            $c -> status = "ReOpened";
        } else {
            $c -> status = "FollowUp";
        $c -> save();

        $email -> retrieve($email -> id);
        //assign the case info to parent id and parent type so that the case can be linked to the email on Email Save
        $email -> parent_type = "Cases";
        $email -> parent_id = $caseId;
        // assign the email to the case owner

        $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('Case - cassigned_user_id11: ' . $c->assigned_user_id);
        $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('Case - caseId Id11: ' . $caseId);
        $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('emailid11: ' . $email->id);
            $qry_user = "SELECT status FROM users WHERE id='" . $c->assigned_user_id . "' LIMIT 1";
            $res_user = $this -> db -> query($qry_user, true);
            $resultUser = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($res_user);
            $status = $resultUser['status'];
            if($status != 'Active'){
                $qry_db = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE is_group=0 AND deleted = 0 AND status = 'active' AND department='CS' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";

                $res_db = $this -> db ->query($qry_db, true);
                $fetch_db = $this -> db -> fetchByAssoc($res_db);
                if (is_array($fetch_db) && count($fetch_db) > 0) {
                    $email->assigned_user_id = $fetch_db['id'];
                    $c -> assigned_user_id = $email->assigned_user_id;
                    $c -> save();
                } else {
                    $GLOBALS['log'] -> fatal('User Not Present in Users table');
                $email->assigned_user_id = $c->assigned_user_id;

        //$email->assigned_user_id = $c->assigned_user_id;
        $GLOBALS['log']->debug('InboundEmail found exactly 1 match for a case: '.$c->name);
        return true;
    } // if
    return false;
} // fn