
Webpage not updating

我是重新构图的新手,我想我忘记了一些明显的东西。我的网页出现并正常工作,但当我单击单选按钮时似乎没有更新。基本上,我想要做的是单击单选按钮时,它会将我的 value-name 原子更新为 2。这样做应该会导致页面刷新,因为函数 display-val 依赖于 value-name.然而,什么也没有发生。

我觉得我应该订阅一些东西,这样 display-val 就知道要更新了。


(def q-id (atom 0))
(def value-name (atom ""))
(def next-id (atom 0))

(defn create-answer
  "Creates a radio button answer"
  ([question-id answer value name event next-question-id class description]
   [:div {:class :control-container}
    [:div {:class :control-left}
     [:input {:type :radio :value value :name name :class class :data-next next-question-id :on-change (fn [e] (reset! value-name value) (reset! q-id question-id) (reset! next-id next-question-id) (re-frame/dispatch [event e]))}]]
    [:div {:class :control-right} answer]
    ; If there is no description, then do not render the "control-right-description" div
    (if-not (clojure.string/blank? description)
      [:div {:class :control-right-description} description])
  ([question-id answer value name event next-question-id class]
   (create-answer question-id answer value name event next-question-id class ""))

(defn display-val
  (if (or (= @next-id (get item :id)) (and (get item :first) (= @next-id 0))) "block" "none")

(defn create-block
  "Renders a question and the possible answers"
  (if (get item :first)
    [:div {:id (str "divQ" (get item :id)) :style {:display (display-val item)}}
      [:p (get item :question)]
      (for [answer (get item :answers)]
        (create-answer (get item :id) (get answer :answer) (get answer :value) (get answer :name) (get answer :event) (get answer :nextQuestionId) (get answer :className) (get answer :description))
    [:div {:id (str "divQ" (get item :id)) :style {:display (display-val item)}}
      [:p (get item :question)]
      (for [answer (get item :answers)]
        (create-answer (get item :id) (get answer :answer) (get answer :value) (get answer :name) (get answer :event) (get answer :nextQuestionId) (get answer :className) (get answer :description))

(defn render-questions
  "Renders the questions and answers, hiding all but the first question and answer set"
  (for [item cfg/questions]
    (create-block item)

(defn main-panel []
  (let [name (re-frame/subscribe [:name])] 
    (fn []

       ; Render the questions



(defn handle-buttons-part-one
  [db e]

  ;(js/alert @value-name)
(re-frame/reg-event-db :buttons-part-one handle-buttons-part-one)




  • 错误 1:ui 更新只会由试剂的 atom/reaction 触发。不是原子
  • 错误 2:使用 form-1 组件而不是 form-2/form-3
  • 错误 3:应键入列表项
  • 错误 4:使用 () 而不是 [] 作为试剂组分
  • 错误 5:没有初始化重新构建数据库

我认为你需要阅读 re-frame 的所有文档,re-frame 文档很棒,应该反复阅读。



(ns simple.core
  (:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
            [re-frame.core :as rf]
            [clojure.string :as str]))

(rf/reg-event-db              ;; sets up initial application state
  (fn [_ _]  
    {:counter 0}))

  (fn [db [_]]
    (update db :counter inc)))   ;; compute and return the new application state

  (fn [db _]  
    (:counter db))) ;; return a query computation over the application state

(defn ui
   [:h1 "Hello world, it is now"]
   [:span @(rf/subscribe [:counter])]
   [:button {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:counter-inc])}

(defn ^:export run
  (rf/dispatch-sync [:initialize])     ;; puts a value into application state
  (reagent/render [ui]              ;; mount the application's ui into '<div id="app" />'
                  (js/document.getElementById "app")))
