Series colours are different to legend colours in chart
SELECT Incident_Logged
FROM Incident
INNER JOIN Location ON Location_ID = Incident_Location_ID
INNER JOIN Body_Part ON Body_Part_ID = Incident_Body_Part_ID
WHERE Incident_Logged BETWEEN @StartDate and @EndDate
AND Incident_Location_ID IN (@Location)
ORDER BY Incident_Logged DESC
原来这是一个 feature bug 已知问题,如果您使用 COUNT() 聚合就会发生。我通过在查询中添加一个值为 1 的伪列解决了这个问题:
SELECT Incident_Logged
,1 Incident_Sum
FROM Incident
INNER JOIN Location ON Location_ID = Incident_Location_ID
INNER JOIN Body_Part ON Body_Part_ID = Incident_Body_Part_ID
WHERE Incident_Logged BETWEEN @StartDate and @EndDate
AND Incident_Location_ID IN (@Location)
ORDER BY Incident_Logged DESC
来源:https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/0dc8aad4-b846-476d-a429-f8fc2312c585/ssrs-2008-chart-legend-colours-not-matching-series-colour?forum=sqlreportingservices - 寻找 "softworks phil smith" 的答案。
SELECT Incident_Logged
FROM Incident
INNER JOIN Location ON Location_ID = Incident_Location_ID
INNER JOIN Body_Part ON Body_Part_ID = Incident_Body_Part_ID
WHERE Incident_Logged BETWEEN @StartDate and @EndDate
AND Incident_Location_ID IN (@Location)
ORDER BY Incident_Logged DESC
原来这是一个 feature bug 已知问题,如果您使用 COUNT() 聚合就会发生。我通过在查询中添加一个值为 1 的伪列解决了这个问题:
SELECT Incident_Logged
,1 Incident_Sum
FROM Incident
INNER JOIN Location ON Location_ID = Incident_Location_ID
INNER JOIN Body_Part ON Body_Part_ID = Incident_Body_Part_ID
WHERE Incident_Logged BETWEEN @StartDate and @EndDate
AND Incident_Location_ID IN (@Location)
ORDER BY Incident_Logged DESC
来源:https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/0dc8aad4-b846-476d-a429-f8fc2312c585/ssrs-2008-chart-legend-colours-not-matching-series-colour?forum=sqlreportingservices - 寻找 "softworks phil smith" 的答案。