强制 static_assert 在类型实例化期间触发
Force static_assert to fire during type instantiating
如何在给定的 class:
中强制 static_assert
template < int I >
struct foo
static_assert( I < 5 ,"I must be smaller than 5!" );
当我实例化模板时触发 no 当我实例化结果类型时:
int main()
typedef foo< 5 > t; // compiles
t tt; // will not compile
template <int I>
struct foo_guard {
static_assert(I < 5, "I must be smaller than 5!");
typedef void type;
template < int I, typename = typename foo_guard<I>::type>
struct foo
可能有更优雅的方法,但您可以使 foo
template < int I >
struct foo
static_assert( I < 5 ,"I must be smaller than 5!" );
typedef foo<I> type;
int main()
typedef typename foo< 5 >::type t; // won't compile
template <int I>
struct foo_impl
static_assert(I < 5 ,"I must be smaller than 5!");
template <int I, int = sizeof(foo_impl<I>)>
using foo = foo_impl<I>;
int main()
typedef foo<5> t;
这允许静态断言与实现的其余部分保持一致,但不要求使用 foo<N>
template < int I, class=std::enable_if_t< (I<5) > >
struct foo {};
这里我们做一个边界 I
如何在给定的 class:
template < int I >
struct foo
static_assert( I < 5 ,"I must be smaller than 5!" );
当我实例化模板时触发 no 当我实例化结果类型时:
int main()
typedef foo< 5 > t; // compiles
t tt; // will not compile
template <int I>
struct foo_guard {
static_assert(I < 5, "I must be smaller than 5!");
typedef void type;
template < int I, typename = typename foo_guard<I>::type>
struct foo
可能有更优雅的方法,但您可以使 foo
template < int I >
struct foo
static_assert( I < 5 ,"I must be smaller than 5!" );
typedef foo<I> type;
int main()
typedef typename foo< 5 >::type t; // won't compile
template <int I>
struct foo_impl
static_assert(I < 5 ,"I must be smaller than 5!");
template <int I, int = sizeof(foo_impl<I>)>
using foo = foo_impl<I>;
int main()
typedef foo<5> t;
这允许静态断言与实现的其余部分保持一致,但不要求使用 foo<N>
template < int I, class=std::enable_if_t< (I<5) > >
struct foo {};
这里我们做一个边界 I