递归创建 boost 属性 树

Creating a boost property tree recursively

我正在尝试从已有的树结构中创建一个提升 属性 树。我在 ptree node = *p 行收到内存访问冲突错误。


ptree* WebTreeView::insertProjectNode(std::shared_ptr<ITreeNode> projectNode)

if (projectNode->Children().size() == 0)
    return nullptr;

ptree children;

for (auto child : projectNode->Children())
    std::shared_ptr<ITreeNode> c(child); // cast raw pointer to shared pointer
    std::string nodetext = c->Name().c_str();

    ptree *p = insertProjectNode(c);

    if (p)
        ptree node = *p; 
        children.put_child(nodetext, node);
        children.put(nodetext, " ");

return &children;

ptree children;是局部变量,方法return时内存不再有效。将其更改为 ptree &children = *(new ptree()); 。但使用后需要注意删除。如果你的方法 return 是普通的 ptree 而不是 'pointer to ptree' 会更安全。在这种情况下,您无需担心 newdelete.


  1. 返回指向本地的悬垂指针ptree
  2. 这一行:

    std::shared_ptr<ITreeNode> c(child); // cast raw pointer to shared pointer

    这不是演员表。它是一个转换构造函数。通过调用它,您 转让所有权 。这直接意味着你的循环 delete 原始 ITreeNode 树中的所有 children (因为当 c 被破坏时,它隐含地 [= =18=] 因为没有其他人持有共享指针)。


void WebTreeView::insertProjectNode(ITreeNode const& node, ptree& into) {
    ptree current;

    for (auto const* child : node.Children())
        if (child) insertProjectNode(*child, current);

    into.add_child(node.Name(), current);


ptree WebTreeView::insertProjectNode(ITreeNode const& node) {
    ptree current;

    for (auto const* child : node.Children())
        if (child) 
            current.add_child(child->Name(), insertProjectNode(*child));

    return current;


Live On Coliru

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>

struct ITreeNode {
    std::string Name() const { return _name; }
    std::list<ITreeNode *> const &Children() const { return _children; }

    ITreeNode(ITreeNode const&)            = delete;
    ITreeNode& operator=(ITreeNode const&) = delete;

    ITreeNode(std::string name = "", std::list<ITreeNode*> const& children = {})
        : _name(std::move(name)),

    ~ITreeNode() {
        for (auto* c : _children)
            delete c; // TODO make depthfirst deletion using iteration instead
                      // of breadth-first using recursion to avoid
                      // stack-overflow on large trees
    std::string _name;
    std::list<ITreeNode *> _children;

using boost::property_tree::ptree;

namespace demo {
    ptree insertProjectNode(ITreeNode const& node);

    ptree insertProjectNode(ITreeNode const& node) {
        ptree current;

        for (auto const* child : node.Children())
            if (child) 
                current.add_child(child->Name(), insertProjectNode(*child));

        return current;

#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>

int main() {

    ITreeNode const source = { "a", {
        new ITreeNode { "ab", {
            new ITreeNode { "ab0" },
            new ITreeNode { "ab1" },
            new ITreeNode { "ab2" },
        } },
        new ITreeNode { "ac", {
            new ITreeNode { "ac0" },
        } },
        new ITreeNode { "ad", {
            new ITreeNode { "ad0" },
            new ITreeNode { "ad1" },
            new ITreeNode { "ad2" },
            new ITreeNode { "ad3" },
        } },
    } };

    ptree root;
    root.add_child(source.Name(), demo::insertProjectNode(source));

    boost::property_tree::write_xml(std::cout, root,
            boost::property_tree::xml_writer_make_settings<std::string>(' ', 2));


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>