如何使 UIAppearance 代理适用于以编程方式创建的视图?

How to make UIAppearance proxies apply to programmatically created views?

我正在尝试使用 UIAppearance 为我的应用创建主题。

假设我希望我所有 UILabel 的文本都是橙色的。我写道:

UILabel.appearance(whenContainedInInstancesOf: [UIView.self]).textColor = .orange



PS:我也试过:UILabel.appearance().textColor = .green这不是我想要的,但它也不起作用。


显然,在 Interface Builder 中创建的 UI 个元素(例如标签).appearance() 设置并不是故意的,可能不可靠。


To support appearance customization, a class must conform to the UIAppearanceContainer protocol and relevant accessor methods must be marked with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR.

唯一采用 UIAppearance 协议的 class 是

  • UIBarItem
  • UIView

唯一采用 UIAppearanceContainer 协议的 class 是

  • UIPopoverController
  • UIPresentationController
  • UIView
  • UIViewController

所以...最好的办法可能是 class 您的标签。


来自link: "UIAppearance only allows you to set properties that are flagged with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in the Objective-C header file. Since UILabel has no such properties, it cannot be styled with UIAppearance"


"iOS applies appearance changes when a view enters a window, it doesn’t change the appearance of a view that’s already in a window. To change the appearance of a view that’s currently in a window, remove the view from the view hierarchy and then put it back."

也来自这里:trouble with UIAppearance and UIButton subclassing

"The reason it's working this way is because appearance properties are applied when the view is added to a view hierarchy, and nib-defined properties are applied before the view is added to a view hierarchy."

在以编程方式将该视图控制器添加到层次结构之前,我尝试在视图控制器的新 class 实例中设置标签的外观,但没有成功。