如何为 yii2 扩展 kartik fileInput 小部件

how to extend kartik fileInput widget for yii2

我是 Yii2 的新手,我需要修改 Yii2 中 kartiks FileInput 小部件的 registerAssetBundle() 函数。我意识到这是在供应商文件夹中,所以我想进行覆盖。仅供参考,这是使用高级模板。谁能告诉我为什么我不能覆盖或我做错了什么? Yii 只是没有选择这个文件/没有阻塞/没有错误/什么都没有,只是按照它的快乐方式并正常呈现我的页面。

在 common\components 我有一个名为 FileInputOveride.php 的文件:

   namespace common\components;
   use Yii;
   use \kartik\file\FileInput;

   class FileInputOveride extends \kartik\file\FileInput
     //...override function, ...do stuff...

编辑 - 这是更多代码:

这是 _form.php 顶部的声明,它使用了 fileInput

use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
use yii\helpers\Url;
use yii\bootstrap\Modal;
use kartik\widgets\FileInput; <-- if I take this out, it errors that it cant find ::FileInput
use common\components\FileInputOveride; <--this has no effect

这一行下面是一些视图 html,直到我们到达如下所示的 fileInput 字段:

                //fileinput widget for single file upload
                 $form->field($model, 'cover_file')->widget(FileInput::classname(), 
                            'multiple' => false, 

                    'pluginOptions' => 
                            'uploadUrl' => $upload_url,
                            'maxFileCount' => 1,
                            'allowedFileExtensions' => ['jpg', 'png','jpeg'],
                            'initialPreviewShowUpload' => false,
                            'uploadAsync'=> false,

                    'pluginEvents' => 
                            'fileuploaded'=>"function(event, data, previewId, index){
                                 $.get( './call-image?id=".$model->id."', function( response ) {


尝试用我自己的 FileInputOveride.php 覆盖这个 kartik FileInput.php 中的 registerAssetBundle() 函数:

namespace kartik\file;

use Yii;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use kartik\base\InputWidget;
use kartik\base\TranslationTrait;

 * Wrapper for the Bootstrap FileInput JQuery Plugin by Krajee. The FileInput widget is styled for Bootstrap 3.x with
 * ability to multiple file selection and preview, format button styles and inputs. Runs on all modern browsers
 * supporting HTML5 File Inputs and File Processing API. For browser versions IE9 and below, this widget will
 * gracefully degrade to normal HTML file input.
 * @see http://plugins.krajee.com/bootstrap-fileinput
 * @see https://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput
 * @author Kartik Visweswaran <kartikv2@gmail.com>
 * @since 2.0
 * @see http://twitter.github.com/typeahead.js/examples
class FileInput extends InputWidget

这里是整个 FileInputOveride.php 文件:

namespace common\components;
use Yii;

class FileInputOveride extends \kartik\file\FileInput
     * Registers the asset bundle and locale
    public function registerAssetBundle()
        $view = $this->getView();
        if ($this->resizeImages) {
            $this->pluginOptions['resizeImage'] = true;
        $theme = ArrayHelper::getValue($this->pluginOptions, 'theme');
        if (!empty($theme) && in_array($theme, self::$_themes)) {
        if ($this->sortThumbs) {
        if ($this->purifyHtml) {
            $this->pluginOptions['purifyHtml'] = true;

//above is the existing code          
//below is the additional code i added to this function
      $assetsRegistered =  FileInputAsset::register($view)->addLanguage($this->language, '', 'js/locales');

      //array of pages/paths we dont want to include the asset on
      $pageArray = ['releases/update'];

      //array of assets we dont want to use for the above pages
      $fileArray = ['js/fileinput.js'];

      //for each page, see if the file(s) specified is/are included, if so, unset them in the assets array
      foreach($pageArray as $path)

          if(in_array($path, $pageArray)){

            foreach($fileArray as $file){

                  $key=  array_search($file, $assetsRegistered->js);


另外,我还可以使用语法从其操作中列出属于 action/view 的资产。


public function actionUpdate(){
 //show me all the js registered to this page


在您的 _form.php 文件中使用 "FileInputOveride::classname()" 而不是 "FileInput::classname()" - 然后您可以删除 kartik 输入的 use 行。当您扩展任何插件时,您必须调用您的插件 class 名称而不是您扩展的插件。