Git format-patch 补丁不能跨不同的仓库使用 LFS

Git format-patch patches can't use LFS across different repositories

我们目前正在从 CVS 迁移到 git 存储库。然而,大约一年前,一个团队已经将 cvs2git 用于他们的存储库,因为他们的新功能需要大量移动具有历史记录的文件,而 CVS 在历史上并不是很擅长。然后存储库都应该使用 GIT-LFS 来获取我们更大的签入源(例如,预构建的外部库)


所以我已经有了起点的精确复制品;这个想法是现在创建所有带有 git 格式补丁的补丁文件。现在大部分补丁都可以正常工作,问题在于使用 git lfs 的补丁。


diff --git a/Foo/bar/ b/Foo/bar/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6fce3f4bd05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Foo/bar/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:c90b657621e07fa40476186d94e2f6e06f055b49294b83ee976f73dfac120d86
+size 116056


$ git am ../patches/mypatch.patch
Applying: #someTfsId: myCommit
Downloading Foo/bar/ (113.34 KB)
Error downloading object: Foo/bar/ (c90b657): Smudge error: Error opening media file.: open D:\repositories\myrepo\.git\lfs\objects\c9[=12=]b\c90b657621e07fa40476186d94e2f6e06f055b49294b83ee976f73dfac120d86: The system cannot find the file specified.

Errors logged to D:\repositories\myrepo\.git\lfs\objects\logs171006T110837.3254847.log
Use `git lfs logs last` to view the log.
error: external filter 'git-lfs filter-process' failed
fatal: Foo/bar/ smudge filter lfs failed

user@machine MINGW64 /d/repositories/myrepo (develop|AM 1/1)
$ git am --abort

我的下一个想法是使用原始存储库并获取所有 lfs 对象 GIT_TRACE=1 git lfs fetch --all 之后我试图复制那个导致

user@machine MINGW64 /d/repositories/myrepo (develop)
$ git am ../patches/mypatch.patch
error: Foo/bar/ already exists in working directory
Applying: #someTfsId: myCommit
Patch failed at 0001 #someTfsId: myCommit
The copy of the patch that failed is found in: .git/rebase-apply/patch
When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead.
To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".

所以我想问题是:我是否可以将 LFS 对象添加到远程服务器,或者我是否必须 "un-lfs" 用于创建 .patch 文件的存储库,所以二进制差异存储在 .patch 文件中?

我们真的很想保留历史,目前补丁的数量大约是 1600 次提交,这很难手工完成。





  1. 提交(但不推送)您的更改
  2. lfs 迁移 否则将被放入 lfs
  3. 的文件
  4. 撤消提交(假设您想要 LFS 中的文件)
  5. 恢复对 LFS 中所需文件的 .gitattribute 的更改
  6. 重新提交文件

注意:任何未提交的工作都将在步骤 2 中丢失,因此请小心

假设我在存储库中有一个名为 opensrc/src/make-4.3.tar.gz 的文件,我在存储库的顶层。我想创建一个补丁,其中包含该文件以及随它更改的其他文件,但我跟踪的文件是:

[root@localhost]# git lfs track
Listing tracked patterns
    *.gz (.gitattributes)
    *.sbr  (.gitattributes)
    *.tgz  (.gitattributes)
    *.exe  (.gitattributes)
Listing excluded patterns

继续 添加提交 您的文件,这些文件将成为补丁的一部分。 您可以通过执行以下操作找出哪些文件将在 LFS 中:

[root@localhost]# git lfs status
On branch master
Objects to be pushed to origin/master:

    opensrc/src/make-4.3.tar.gz (e05fdde47c5f7ca45cb697e973894ff4f5d79e13b750ed57d7b66d8defc78e19)

Objects to be committed:

Objects not staged for commit:


[root@localhost]# git lfs migrate export --include opensrc/src/make-4.3.tar.gz
migrate: override changes in your working copy?  All uncommitted changes will be lost! [y/N] y
migrate: changes in your working copy will be overridden ...
migrate: Fetching remote refs: ..., done.                                                                                                                                                                          
migrate: Sorting commits: ..., done.                                                                                                                                                                               
migrate: Rewriting commits: 100% (1/1), done.                                                                                                                                                                      
  master   526f3a2488679349653bea096fc311c5f42c38dd -> 3734d32f6226c542f470e252aedfcafd5e0950cf
migrate: Updating refs: ..., done.                                                                                                                                                                                 
migrate: checkout: ..., done.                                                                                                                                                                                      
prune: 341 local object(s), 341 retained, done.                                                                                                                                                                    

e05fdde47c5f7ca45cb697e973894ff4f5d79e13b750ed57d7b66d8defc78e19 (2.3 MB)                                                                                                                                         
e05fdde47c5f7ca45cb697e973894ff4f5d79e13b750ed57d7b66d8defc78e19 (2.3 MB),    done.
prune: Deleting objects: 100% (1/1), done.          

现在再次检查 lfs 状态:

[root@localhost]# git lfs status
On branch master
Objects to be pushed to origin/master:

Objects to be committed:

Objects not staged for commit:


[root@localhost]# git format-patch HEAD -1
[root@localhost]# **ls -l 0001-Update-make.patch** 
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2986800 Oct 21 18:44 0001-Update-make.patch

现在您可以还原 LFS 更改并重新提交原始文件,以便您的文件最终在 LFS 中:

[root@localhost]# git reset HEAD^
Unstaged changes after reset:
M   .gitattributes
M   opensrc/Makefile
M   opensrc/
M   opensrc/rootproject/Makefile

[root@localhost]# git diff .gitattributes
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 893a1726c..f94922c84 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@
 *.sbr filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
 *.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
 *.exe filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+opensrc/src/make-4.3.tar.gz !text !filter !merge !diff

[root@localhost]# git checkout .gitattributes
Updated 1 path from the index

[root@localhost]# git add .

[root@localhost]# git commit -v -s

注意:您的补丁还将从 LFS 中排除文件,因此您可能必须通过重置提交、编辑 .gitattributes 然后重新提交来修复该问题