Firebase 测试实验室完成后获得 "Internal System Error 1"
Get "Internal System Error 1" after firebase test lab is done
我 运行 在 Firebase 测试实验室进行浓缩咖啡测试。看起来测试已通过,但在测试结束时出现内部系统错误。详情如下:
C:\temp>gcloud firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app mytest.apk --test mytest-androidTest.apk --device model=Nexus10,version=22,locale=en,orientation=landscape --timeout 300s
Have questions, feedback, or issues? Get support by visiting:
Uploading [mytest.apk] to Firebase Test Lab...
Uploading [mytest-androidTest.apk] to Firebase Test Lab...
Raw results will be stored in your GCS bucket at []
Test [matrix-29xhyyz7dm2ko] has been created in the Google Cloud.
Firebase Test Lab will execute your instrumentation test on 1 device(s).
Creating individual test executions...done.
Test results will be streamed to [].
10:06:09 Test is Pending
10:06:33 Starting attempt 1
10:06:33 Test is Running
10:07:47 Logging into the device
10:08:00 Installing APK: com.mytest
10:08:36 Installing APK: com.mytest.test
10:09:07 Running instrumentation test. Package: com.mytest.test testrunner: useOrchestrator: false options: []
10:09:32 Instrumentation test has finished
10:09:38 Generating video
10:09:38 Retrieving performance samples
10:09:57 Retrieving test artifacts
10:10:03 Retrieving any crash results
10:10:52 Processing Logcat.
10:10:58 Done. Test time=26 (secs)
ERROR: ( Firebase Test Lab infrastructure failure: Internal System Error 1
你好,这里是 Firebaser。 最近在测试实验室中推送的代码存在问题,团队正在回滚它以解决你在这里看到的问题。
我 运行 在 Firebase 测试实验室进行浓缩咖啡测试。看起来测试已通过,但在测试结束时出现内部系统错误。详情如下:
C:\temp>gcloud firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app mytest.apk --test mytest-androidTest.apk --device model=Nexus10,version=22,locale=en,orientation=landscape --timeout 300s
Have questions, feedback, or issues? Get support by visiting:
Uploading [mytest.apk] to Firebase Test Lab...
Uploading [mytest-androidTest.apk] to Firebase Test Lab...
Raw results will be stored in your GCS bucket at []
Test [matrix-29xhyyz7dm2ko] has been created in the Google Cloud.
Firebase Test Lab will execute your instrumentation test on 1 device(s).
Creating individual test executions...done.
Test results will be streamed to [].
10:06:09 Test is Pending
10:06:33 Starting attempt 1
10:06:33 Test is Running
10:07:47 Logging into the device
10:08:00 Installing APK: com.mytest
10:08:36 Installing APK: com.mytest.test
10:09:07 Running instrumentation test. Package: com.mytest.test testrunner: useOrchestrator: false options: []
10:09:32 Instrumentation test has finished
10:09:38 Generating video
10:09:38 Retrieving performance samples
10:09:57 Retrieving test artifacts
10:10:03 Retrieving any crash results
10:10:52 Processing Logcat.
10:10:58 Done. Test time=26 (secs)
ERROR: ( Firebase Test Lab infrastructure failure: Internal System Error 1
你好,这里是 Firebaser。 最近在测试实验室中推送的代码存在问题,团队正在回滚它以解决你在这里看到的问题。