Scala, spray-json: 通用枚举json格式化

Scala, spray-json: universal enumeration json formatting

我有这样的模型:两个枚举和一个案例 class 具有这些枚举类型的两个字段:

// see later, why objects are implicit
implicit object Fruits extends Enumeration {
  val Apple = Value("apple")
  val Orange = Value("orange")

implicit object Vegetables extends Enumeration {
  val Potato = Value("potato")
  val Cucumber = Value("cucumber")
  val Tomato = Value("tomato")

type Fruit = Fruits.Value
type Vegetable = Vegetables.Value

case class Pair(fruit: Fruit, vegetable: Vegetable)

我想 parse/generate JSONs to/from 与 spray-json 配对。我不想为水果和蔬菜申报单独的 JsonFormat。所以,我想做这样的事情:

import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._

// enum is implicit here, that's why we needed implicit objects
implicit def enumFormat[A <: Enumeration](implicit enum: A): RootJsonFormat[enum.Value] =
  new RootJsonFormat[enum.Value] {
    def read(value: JsValue): enum.Value = value match {
      case JsString(s) =>
      case x =>
        deserializationError("Expected JsString, but got " + x)

    def write(obj: enum.Value) = JsString(obj.toString)

// compilation error: couldn't find implicits for JF[Fruit] and JF[Vegetable]
implicit val pairFormat = jsonFormat2(Pair)

// expected value:
// spray.json.JsValue = {"fruit":"apple","vegetable":"potato"}
// but actually doesn't even compile
Pair(Fruits.Apple, Vegetables.Potato).toJson

遗憾的是,enumFormat 不会为 jsonFormat2 生成隐式值。如果我在 pairFormat 之前为水果和蔬菜格式手动编写两个隐式声明,那么 json 编组工作:

implicit val fruitFormat: RootJsonFormat[Fruit] = enumFormat(Fruits)
implicit val vegetableFormat: RootJsonFormat[Vegetable] = enumFormat(Vegetables)

implicit val pairFormat = jsonFormat2(Pair)

// {"fruit":"apple","vegetable":"potato"}, as expected
Pair(Fruits.Apple, Vegetables.Potato).toJson


  1. 如何去掉这些 fruitFormatvegetableFormat 声明?

  2. 理想情况下,最好不要使枚举对象隐式化,同时保持 enumFormat 函数通用。有没有办法做到这一点?也许,使用 scala.reflect 包或类似的东西。

你不能,Scala 不允许隐式链接,因为它会导致组合爆炸,使编译器变得太慢。

Scala does not allow two such implicit conversions taking place, however, so one cannot got from A to C using an implicit A to B and another implicit B to C.

您必须为每个要使用的 T 显式生成一个 JsonFormat[T]

您只需将 enum.Value 替换为 A#Value

查看 spray-json #200,您可以找到定义明确的隐式 enumFormat 的示例,稍微修改以利用隐式 enu 检索:

implicit def enumFormat[T <: Enumeration](implicit enu: T): RootJsonFormat[T#Value] =
  new RootJsonFormat[T#Value] {
    def write(obj: T#Value): JsValue = JsString(obj.toString)
    def read(json: JsValue): T#Value = {
      json match {
        case JsString(txt) => enu.withName(txt)
        case somethingElse => throw DeserializationException(s"Expected a value from enum $enu instead of $somethingElse")