JavaJava9 中的 LangAccess 和 SharedSecrets

JavaLangAccess and SharedSecrets in Java 9

sun.misc 包中的 SharedSecretsJavaLangAccess 类 似乎已在 Java 9 中删除。

Java 9 中是否有这些 类 提供的功能的替代品?



--add-exports <source-module>/<package>=<target-module>(,<target-module>)*


--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.misc=your.module

注意:- 来自JEP-261:Module System的免责声明-

The --add-exports and --add-opens options must be used with great care. You can use them to gain access to an internal API of a library module, or even of the JDK itself, but you do so at your own risk: If that internal API is changed or removed then your library or application will fail.


In preparation for JEP 160, SharedSecrets and friend interfaces should be moved out of 'sun.misc' and located in a truly private package

现在可以在 jdk.internal.misc


Move SharedSecrets and friends to jdk.internal.misc