Hystrix Javanica 回退在 Spring Cloud 1.0 中不起作用

Hystrix Javanica fallback not working in Spring Cloud 1.0

我基于@spencergibb feign-eureka spring 云启动器示例构建了一个超级简单的 Hystrix 短路示例。起初我以为我无法让 hystrix javanica default fallbackMethod 触发由于 feign.. 现在,删除 feign,hystrix default fallbackMethod 仍然没有捕获异常。


    <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->




public class HelloClientApplication {

  HelloClientComponent helloClientComponent;

  public String hello() {
    return helloClientComponent.makeMultipleCalls();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(HelloClientApplication.class, args);


HelloClientComponent.java(创建是因为我知道 javanica 希望在 spring 托管组件或服务中):

public class HelloClientComponent {

RestTemplate restTemplate;

public String makeMultipleCalls() {
    int cnt=20;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    while (cnt-- > 0) {
        String response = theServerRequestRoot();
        sb.append(response).append("  ");
    return sb.toString();

public String theServersRequestRootFallback() {
    return "BOMB!!!!!!";

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "theServersRequestRootFallback", commandKey = "callToServers")
public String theServerRequestRoot() {
        ResponseEntity<String> result = restTemplate.getForEntity("http://HelloServer", String.class);
        return result.getBody();

我启动了 2 个服务器,一个总是成功并响应,另一个将在 30% 的时间内失败并出现 500 错误。当我卷曲这个客户端(到'/')时,非强制失败调用的事情正常进行。循环法也可以正常工作。当第二台服务器出现 return 500 错误时,不会调用 fallbackMethod 并且 curl 到 '/' 结束并且 return 出现错误。

根据 Spencer 和 Dave 的建议更新解决方案。更改为以下内容:


public class HelloClientApplication {

  HelloClientComponent helloClientComponent;

public String hello() {
    int cnt=20;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    while (cnt-- > 0) {
        String response = helloClientComponent.theServerRequestRoot();     // call directly to @Component in order for @HystrixCommand to intercept via AOP
        sb.append(response).append("  ");
    return sb.toString();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(HelloClientApplication.class, args);


public class HelloClientComponent {

RestTemplate restTemplate;

public String theServersRequestRootFallback() {
    return "BOMB!!!!!!";

@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "theServersRequestRootFallback", commandKey = "callToServers")
public String theServerRequestRoot() {
        ResponseEntity<String> result = restTemplate.getForEntity("http://HelloServer", String.class);
        return result.getBody();

@HystrixCommand 之所以有效,是因为 Spring 创建了一个代理来调用该方法。如果您从代理内部调用该方法,它不会通过拦截器。您需要从另一个 @Component(或使用 AspectJ)调用 @HystrixCommand