您如何在 Lambda 函数中定义 emit() 属性

How do you define the emit() property in a Lambda Function

我只是想让 Alexa 说出我 google 传播 sheet 中的数据。我正在使用 google-spreatsheet node.js 模块而不是 http.get() 方法。


'GetPainterIntent': function() {
        // spreadsheet key is the long id in the sheets URL 
var doc = new GoogleSpreadsheet('1K-dl08g8s27TgF5yMGv_Q5tBbkpRpGWrt3RkUB2mVKk');
var sheet;

  function setAuth(step) {
    // see notes below for authentication instructions! 
    var creds = require('./creds.json');
    // OR, if you cannot save the file locally (like on heroku) 
    var creds_json = {
      client_email: ' ',
      private_key: ' '
    doc.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, step);

  function getInfoAndWorksheets(step) {

    doc.getInfo(function(err, info) {
      console.log('Loaded doc: '+info.title+' by '+info.author.email);
      sheet = info.worksheets[0];

      //console.log('sheet 1: '+sheet.title+' '+sheet.rowCount+'x'+sheet.colCount);
      this.emit('ask:', 'Do you want'+sheet.title+' '+sheet.rowCount+'x'+sheet.colCount);


], function(err){
    if( err ) {
      console.log('Error: '+err);



 "errorMessage": "RequestId: 79ed1bc9-aaee-11e7-878b-5fe3ebd777ae 
 exited before completing request"

TypeError: Cannot read property 'emit' of undefined
at getInfoAndWorksheets (/var/task/index.js:51:9)
at /var/task/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:3853:24
at replenish (/var/task/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:946:17)
at iterateeCallback

emit里面的属性是不是undefined?或者你如何定义 emit 的 属性 还是我读错了?

我认为问题在于您丢失了 this 编码方式,可能是因为它使用异步系列。用 var self=this 之类的行将 this 保存在顶部,然后使用 self.emit 代替。