Swift 4 中的 setValuesForKeysWithDictionary?

setValuesForKeysWithDictionary in Swift 4?

似乎 Swift 4 正在实现与 (void)setValuesForKeysWithDictionary() 不同的方法,Swift 4 中此功能的适当替换是什么?


struct User {
    let name: String?
    let email: String?

dictionaryOfUsers 来自数据结构,其值根据数据库中的用户数动态显示:

let dictionaryOfUsers = [{key1: "name1", key2 : "name1@xyz.com"}, {key1 : "name2", key2 : "name2@gmail.com"} ]   
let users = [User]

现在我想使用这个函数来创建我的用户数组来创建字典 Swift 4:

for dictionary in dictionaryOfUsers {
    let user = User()




func setValuesForKeys(_ keyedValues: [String : Any])

Sets properties of the receiver with values from a given dictionary, using its keys to identify the properties. The default implementation invokes setValue(_:forKey:) for each key-value pair...

您的代码有许多小问题 — 还有一些主要问题(有关详细信息,请参阅 matt 答案)。无论如何,我认为这应该可以实现您所追求的目标:

import Foundation

class User: NSObject {
    @objc var name: String!
    @objc var email: String!

let dictionaryOfUsers = [
    ["name": "name1", "email": "name1@xyz.com"],
    ["name": "name2", "email": "name2@gmail.com"]

var users = [User]()
for dictionary in dictionaryOfUsers {
    let user = User()

问题是您正试图在 struct 上使用 Cocoa 键值编码——这是 setValuesForKeys(_:) 的来源。你不能那样做。 Cocoa 是 Objective-C; Objective-C 不知道什么是 Cocoa 结构。您需要 User 成为从 NSObject 派生的 @objc class,并且它的所有属性也需要公开为 @objc

或者,使用新的 Swift 4 键路径功能,它可以通过键访问结构 属性。示例:

struct User {
    var name: String?
    var email: String?

let arrayOfDicts = [
    [\User.name: "name1", \User.email : "name1@xyz.com"],
    [\User.name : "name2", \User.email : "name2@gmail.com"]

for d in arrayOfDicts {
    var user = User()
    for key in d.keys {
        user[keyPath:key] = d[key]!
 User(name: Optional("name1"), email: Optional("name1@xyz.com"))
 User(name: Optional("name2"), email: Optional("name2@gmail.com"))

不用说了,Swift4没有setValuesForKeysWithDictionary方法。此外,当前的 setValuesForKeys 方法在最新的 Xcode 版本的 Swift 4 中经常失败。


import UIKit

class User: NSObject {
    var name: String?
    var email: String?

我自己解决这个问题的方法是手动添加键作为 NSDictionary,如下所示。

let user = User()
user.email = (snapshot.value as? NSDictionary)?["email"] as? String ?? ""
user.name = (snapshot.value as? NSDictionary)?["name"] as? String ?? ""
print(user.email as Any)
print(user.name as Any)


我正在做某事。万一有帮助... P.S : 请使用泛型对其进行优化。

  import Foundation
  import CoreData

   enum ModelInitializationResult {
   case none
   case completedWithoutErrors
   case completedWithNullDataErrors
   case completedWithNoSuchKeyErrors

 extension NSManagedObject {

 //Note: For this to work, the keys in the dictionary should be same as attibute name of this class
func initializeModelFromDictionary(dictionary: [String:Any] )  -> ModelInitializationResult{
  var completionResult = ModelInitializationResult.none

  let modelAttributes = self.entity.attributesByName
  let modelAttributeKeys = modelAttributes.keys

  for case let (keyToSet, valueToSet) in dictionary {
    //check for invalid key
      guard modelAttributeKeys.contains(keyToSet) else{
          completionResult = .completedWithNoSuchKeyErrors

      //check valueToSetType for Null
      let valueToSetType = type(of: valueToSet)
      guard valueToSetType != NSNull.self else{
          print("ERROR: Found NSNUll for value to set")
          completionResult = .completedWithNullDataErrors

      //Check desiredType ; set value for defined types
      let modelAttributeValue = modelAttributes[keyToSet]
      let modelAttributeType = modelAttributeValue?.attributeType

    switch (modelAttributeType!) {
      case .undefinedAttributeType :
          print("Error : undefinedAttributeType")
      case .integer16AttributeType, .integer32AttributeType, .integer64AttributeType :
          if let anInt = valueToSet as? Int{
              self.setValue(anInt, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")
      case .stringAttributeType :
          if let anString = valueToSet as? String{
              self.setValue(anString, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")
      case .booleanAttributeType :
          if let aBool = valueToSet as? Bool{
              self.setValue(aBool, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")
      case .dateAttributeType :
          if let aDate = valueToSet as? Date{
              self.setValue(aDate, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")
      case .binaryDataAttributeType :
          if let aData = valueToSet as? Data{
              self.setValue(aData, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")

      case .transformableAttributeType :// If your attribute is of NSTransformableAttributeType,
          //print(Pretty//printedFunction(), "desiredType : transformableAttributeType")
          if let anObject = valueToSet as? NSObject {
              self.setValue(anObject, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")

      case .doubleAttributeType :
          //print(Pretty//printedFunction(), "desiredType : doubleAttributeType")
          if let anObject = valueToSet as? Double {
              self.setValue(anObject, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")
      case .floatAttributeType :
          //print(Pretty//printedFunction(), "desiredType : floatAttributeType")
          if let anObject = valueToSet as? Float {
              self.setValue(anObject, forKey: keyToSet)
              //print(Pretty//printedFunction(),"Error  in setting value for key:\(keyToSet) Incompatible type")
      case .decimalAttributeType :
          print("Error: Data type decimalAttributeType Not handled\(String(describing: modelAttributeType))")
      case .objectIDAttributeType:
          print("Error: Data type transformableAttributeType Not handled\(String(describing: modelAttributeType))")
      default :
          print("ERROR : \(String(describing: modelAttributeType))")
  return completionResult

func toDictionary() -> [String:Any]     {
    let keys = Array(self.entity.attributesByName.keys)
    let dict = self.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: keys)
    return dict

func printAllValues (){
    for key in self.entity.attributesByName.keys{
        let value: Any? = self.value(forKey: key)
        print("\(key) = \(String(describing: value))")
