
Recommended Foursquare venue information cache age?

为了保持在 Foursquare API, they previously recommended caching the data requested from it. However, after the recent site redesign, information on how long data should be cached is nowhere to be found. According to archive.org's WayBack machine, the documentation for the venues/categories endpoint previously said that the data for that endpoint should be cached for no more than a week, so I've implemented that in my app. That information is no longer on that documentation page. I'm now looking to cache the data from the venues/ endpoint (all the data of specific places), and likewise, no information about cache age is found, and I don't remember if there was any before. Would the 1 week previously recommended by the venues/categories endpoint be a reasonable cache lifetime for data from venues/? If not, what would be? The API Terms of Use 强加的速率限制内,没有数据可以缓存超过 30 天而不更新,但这似乎是一个很长的时间来保持数据从不断-更新的众包平台。过去哪种缓存时间对您来说效果最好?

根据他们的new documentation,截至 2018 年 5 月 15 日,Foursquare 要求所有数据必须缓存不超过 24 小时