"that" 变量未引用正确的对象

"that" variable not referring to correct object

当我在对象上使用方法时,我的 'that' 变量没有引用正确的对象。

例如,isaac.healthItem.use() 在控制台中显示 "Mia" 而不是 "Isaac"。

为什么 'this' 不引用调用对象?

var get = function(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);

var that;
var divider = "\n-----------------------";

var Adventurer = function(name, weapon, health, mana) {
    this.name = name;
    this.health = health;
    this.maxHealth = health;
    this.maxOverheal = this.maxHealth * 2;
    this.mana = mana;
    this.inventory = [];
    this.spells = [];
    this.weapon = weapon;
    that = this;

Adventurer.prototype.addToInventory = function(item) {

Adventurer.prototype.addSpell = function(spell) {

Adventurer.prototype.setWeapon = function(weapon) {
    this.weapon = weapon;

var HealthItem = function() {
    this.healthItemName = "";
    this.healAmount = 0;

    this.use = function() {
        for (var x = 0; x < that.inventory.length; x++) {
            if (that.inventory[x] == "HP Pot") {
                this.healthItemName = "HP Pot";
                this.healAmount = 30;
                that.health += this.healAmount;
                console.log(that.name + " Has Used " + this.healthItemName + " For " + this.healAmount + divider);
                if (that.health > that.maxHealth && that.health < that.maxOverheal) {
                    var overheal = that.health - that.maxHealth;
                    console.log("Overhealed by " + overheal + "!");
                } else if (that.health > that.maxOverheal) {
                    console.log(that.name + " cannot " + "be " + "overhealed " + "anymore!");
                    that.health = that.maxOverheal;
                that.inventory[x] = "";
        console.log("No Health Items in Inventory" + divider);

Adventurer.prototype.healthItem = new HealthItem();

Adventurer.prototype.adventurerData = function() {
    console.log(this.name + divider);
    console.log("Health: " + this.health + divider);
    console.log("Mana: " + this.mana + divider);

Adventurer.prototype.viewSpells = function() {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.spells.length; i++) {
        console.log(this.spells[i] + divider);

Adventurer.prototype.useSpell = function(spell) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.spells.length; i++) {
        if (this.spells[i] == spell) {
            console.log(this.name + " Used " + this.spells[i] + " For" + " 30 Damage!" + divider);
    console.log("You don't know how to do that..." + divider);


Adventurer.prototype.viewInventory = function() {
    for (var x = 0; x < this.inventory.length; x++) {
        console.log(this.inventory[x] + divider);
    if (this.inventory.length == 0) {
        console.log("Your bag is empty");

Adventurer.prototype.lotOfPots = function() {
    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        this.addToInventory("HP Pot");

var isaac = new Adventurer("Isaac", "Ragnarok", 100, 50);

var mia = new Adventurer("Mia", "Celestial Staff of Water", 80, 90);

isaac.addSpell("Healing Wave");

mia.addSpell("Soothing Waters");


您是否尝试过将 "that" 作为参数传递给 Adventurer 函数?

因为"that"是一个全局变量。当您创建第二个冒险家时,您将用第二个冒险家的值覆盖 "that"。


var that; // Global variable

var Adventurer = function(name, weapon, health, mana) {
    that = this; // Assign the calling object to global variable

var isaac = new Adventurer("Isaac", "Ragnarok", 100, 50);
var mia = new Adventurer("Mia", "Celestial Staff of Water", 80, 90);

所以 thatisaac 覆盖,然后 mia 所以当 HealthItem 调用 console.log(that.name) 时, that 指的是 mia