Flex 描述导致不匹配的规则

Flex description causing unmatched rule

在我更具体的案例之前,我的 flex 描述似乎已经涵盖了所有内容。我确定这是我的错字,但我无法判断是哪条规则导致我的其余规则无法匹配。我相信很可能是我创建的字符串描述。但是我仍然不确定,正在寻找答案。

branch.l 文件:

%option noyywrap

#include "global.h"

delim           [\t ]
ws              {delim}+
digit           [0-9]
num             {digit}+
alpha           [_a-zA-Z]
identifier      {alpha}({alpha}|{digit})*
relation        [<]|[>]|[>][=]|[<][=]|[=][=]|[!][=]
string          ["][a-zA-Z0-9]*["]


{ws}            {/* skip blanks and tabs */}
{num} {
  tokenval = atoi(yytext);
  return NUM;

{identifier} {
  if (strlen(yytext) >= BSIZE) {
    error("compiler error");
  tokensym = lookup(yytext, ID);
  tokensym->count += 1;
  return (int)tokensym->token;

"BEGIN"         {return BEGN;}
"IF"            {return IF;}
"THEN"          {return THEN;}
"ELSE"          {return ELSE;}
"GOTO"          {return GOTO;}
"NULL"          {return NUL;}
"READ"          {return READ;}
"PRINT"         {return PRINT;}
"*"             {return '*';}
"+"             {return '+';}
"-"             {return '-';}
"/"             {return '/';}
"("             {return '(';}
")"             {return ')';}
"="             {return '=';}
"."             {return '.';}
"\n"            {lineno++;}
";"             {return ';';}
"END"           {return DONE;}
<<EOF>>         {return DONE;}

{relation} {return RELATION;}
{string} {return STRING;}`


branch.l:33: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:34: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:35: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:36: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:37: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:38: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:39: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:40: warning, rule cannot be matched
branch.l:51: warning, rule cannot be matched

我不知道如何添加行号。但是警告指的是 BEGIN - PRINT 行和更下方的 ELSE。

BEGIN 将同时匹配 {identifier}"BEGIN"。在这种情况下,flex 将(如文档所示)匹配文件中的第一条规则,即 {identifier}。因此,"BEGIN" 将永远不会被匹配。

坦率地说,我会放弃大部分(如果不是全部)这些宏定义。您可以使用 [[:alpha:]_] 代替 {alpha},使用 [[:digit:]] 代替 {digit}(实际上,[[:alnum:]]* 代替 ({alpha}|{digit})*)。在大多数情况下,使用宏仅用于将模式与规则操作分开,使代码更难阅读(恕我直言)。
