在 php 中整合 rave flutterwave api

Integrate rave flutterwave api in php

你好我在client Project中使用的是corePHP,需要集成rave flutter waveAPI,找了很多链接 现在我正在检查这个 URL here 但没有得到好的结果, 所以请在 PHP

中帮助我狂欢 "Nigeria payment gateway" API

我们 collections 的产品叫做 Rave,请按照以下步骤开始:

  1. 报名https://ravepay.co/ , for a sanbox account sign up on http://rave.frontendpwc.com

  2. 注册时添加结算账户

  3. Select 通过导航至“账户设置”>“结算偏好”设置结算偏好(查找随附的文档以获得更详细的说明)。

  4. 开发人员文档:https://flutterwavedevelopers.readme.io/v1.0

Pay Now
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
    document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener("click", function() {
    var chargeResponse = "",
        trxref = "FDKHGK" + Math.random(),// add your transaction ref here
        pubkey = "XXXX"; // Add public keys generated on your dashboard here
        customer_email: "xxxxx",// 
        amount: 1000,
        currency: "NGN",
        country: "NG",
        custom_logo: "http://imgur.com/uuRnkV9",
        custom_title: "The Start",
        txref: trxref,
        PBFPubKey: pubkey,
        onclose: function(response) {},
        callback: function(response) {
          //flw_ref = response.tx.flwRef;
          console.log("This is the response returned after a charge", response);
          if(response.tx.chargeResponse =='00' || response.tx.chargeResponse == '0') {
            // redirect to a success page
          } else {
            // redirect to a failure page.


如果你在 2020 年在这里,支付网关的文档已经更新,你可以检查如何使用这个 link 将它与 laravel 无缝集成 https://questionbump.com/question/how-can-i-setup-flutterwave-payment-webhook-successfully-on-laravel-5/ 我希望它能帮助别人。我努力让这个工作。