这个 ER 模式有意义吗

Does This ER Schema Make Sense

here is an updated version


We have three distinct types of workers: receptionists, nurses, and doctors. Any of the workers can be a patient. Each person has a first, last, possibly a middle name, and one or more addresses(city, state, street, number). Can have zero or more email addresses and zero or more phone numbers.

Workers take shifts. A shift has start and end times (military time). Shifts do not overlap and are consecutive. Each worker will thus be assigned to many shifts in that period. 1+ receptionists are assigned to a shift, 2+ nurses, 2+ doctors; one of the doctors is the shift’s triage doctor.

When a patient comes it happens during a particular shift, is admitted by a particular receptionist, is seen by the triage doctor of the shift. The patient may be sent home, prescribed some medication by the triage doctor and sent home, or may stay in the ER, in which case the patient is given a bed and a case doctor (one of the doctors on each shift best qualified for the particular problem of the patient). Each bed is supervised by a single nurse during a shift, but a nurse may supervise many beds, or none at all. The case doctor(s) may prescribe a medication that is administered to the patient by a single nurse in each shift for the duration of the patient taking the medicine. Each medication has a unique name, and for each patient there may be a different dosage and different number of times a day to take it.

this ER Schema有意义吗?

首先我建议你看一下扩展的 ER ... 因为它支持 inheritance.when 你读到你会明白我下面要说的是什么:

1- 您将有一个名为 Person 的实体,它是 PatientEmployee[= 的父实​​体40=].

2- 您还将为每个员工角色应用继承,因此您将 Employee 作为 NurseDoctor[=40 的父实体=] 和 接待员.

3- 将视为一个实体,并基于此修改ER图。

4- 我在你的 ER 图中看不到关系 "The case doctor(s) may prescribe a medication that is administered to the patient by a single nurse in each shift for the duration of the patient taking the medicine" 在哪里。

5-检查你的图表不包括任何"Chasm Trap" or/and "Fan Trap"


6- ShiftDoctor 之间必须存在关系以指示 triage-doctor 不是 Shift.

