在Call StackVisual Studio2012window中,淡绿色的弯箭头表示什么?

In Visual Studio 2012 in the Call Stack window, what does the light green curved arrow indicate?

我正在使用 Visual Studio 2012 来调试程序。



How to: Use the Call Stack Window

A yellow arrow identifies the stack frame where the execution pointer is currently located. By default, this is the frame whose information appears in the source, Disassembly, Locals, Watch, and Autos windows. If you want to change the context to another frame on the stack, you can do that in the Call Stack window.

To switch to another stack frame
1 In the Call Stack window, right-click the frame whose code and data that you want to view.
2 Select Switch to Frame.
A green arrow with a curly tail appears next to the frame you selected. The execution pointer remains in the original frame, which is still marked with the yellow arrow. If you select Step or Continue from the Debug menu, execution will continue in the original frame, not the frame you selected.

此外,您将鼠标悬停在手表 window 上的变量将显示当前所选帧所见的值。如果“真实”框架中有一个 i 变量,而“选定”框架中有一个不同的 i 变量,当您将鼠标悬停在名称为 i 的变量上时,它将显示该值i 变量在“选定”框架中。