Brython 将点击事件绑定到页面中尚不存在的 id

Brython bind a click event to an id that is not yet in the page


我正在使用 Brython,一切正常。我有一小段代码可以为我执行 ajax 请求,我在 header 中添加了它以绑定页面中当前元素上的所有内容。

    from browser import document, ajax

# URL Query String
qs = ''
# URL to work on
url = ''

def post_data(url, qs):
    req = ajax.ajax()
    # Bind the complete State to the on_post_complete function
    req.bind('complete', on_post_complete)
    # send a POST request to the url'POST', url, True)
    req.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
    # send data as a dictionary

def get_data(url, qs):
    req = ajax.ajax()
    req.bind('complete', on_get_complete)
    # Bind the complete State to the on_get_complete function'GET', url+'?'+qs, True)
    req.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')

def on_post_complete(req):
    if req.status == 200 or req.status == 0:
        #  Take our response and inject it into the html div with id='main'
        document["main_area"].html = req.text
        document["main_area"].html = "error " + req.text

def on_get_complete(req):
    if req.status == 200 or req.status == 0:
        #  Take our response and inject it into the html div with id='main'
        document["main_area"].html = req.text
        document["main_area"].html = "error " + req.text

def account_click(ev):
    get_data("/account", qs)

def contact_link_click(ev):
    get_data("/contact", qs)

def logo_link_click(ev):
    get_data("/main_page", qs)

def products_link_click(ev):
    get_data("/products_page", qs)

def register_link_click(ev):
    get_data("/register", qs)

document['login_link'].bind('click', account_click)
document['contact_link'].bind('click', contact_link_click)
document['logo_link'].bind('click', logo_link_click)
document['register_link'].bind('click', register_link_click)

document['running_link'].bind('click', products_link_click)
document['fitness_link'].bind('click', products_link_click)
document['tennis_link'].bind('click', products_link_click)
document['football_link'].bind('click', products_link_click)
document['golf_link'].bind('click', products_link_click)

现在我更大的问题是 register_link 从一开始就不在页面中。更确切地说,register_link 只会在 login_link link 被点击后加载到 DOM 中,之后寄存器 link 什么都不做,因为事件无法从一开始就绑定它。


编辑: 或者在 brython 中有没有办法等待 DOM 完全加载?

这不是常识不能为你工作的 - Brython 在这方面与 Javascript 一样:任何你想要更改的 DOM 元素都需要在你尝试之前存在到 modify/bind 它。

几十年来,"usual" 在 Javascript 中实现这一点的方法一直是将绑定放在一个函数中,然后在页面底部或 body 上调用它标记 onload 事件,在加载其他所有内容之后。 "Modern" Javascript 使用 jQuery 或其他框架及其 ready() 方法对 "solves" 进行编码。

你必须在那里做同样的事情 - 计时器可能会工作,但有风险。当然,触发一个或多个其他函数后才存在的元素应该在各自的函数中处理:

def account_click(ev):
    get_data("/account", qs)
    document['register_link'].bind('click', register_link_click)

如您所见,account_click 是这样写的:

def account_click(ev):
    get_data("/account", qs)
    document['register_link'].active = True
    document['register_link'].bind('click', register_link_click)

不起作用,因为程序不会等待 get_data 完成后再执行接下来的两行。

一个解决方案是为这种情况编写特定版本的 get_dataon_get_complete(我假设 "register_link" 按钮在页面中,但最初是禁用的):

def complete_register(req):
    """Called when the Ajax request after "login_link" is complete."""
    if req.status == 200 or req.status == 0:
        #  Take our response and inject it into the html div with id='main'
        document["main_area"].html = req.text
        # enable "register link" button and add binding
        document['register_link'].disabled = False
        document['register_link'].bind('click', register_link_click)
        document["main_area"].html = "error " + req.text

def get_data_and_register(url, qs):
    req = ajax.ajax()
    req.bind('complete', complete_register)'GET', url+'?'+qs, True)
    req.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')

def account_click(ev):
    get_data_and_register("/account", qs)

另一种选择是保留通用函数 get_dataon_get_complete,并添加一个可选参数 callback:

def get_data(url, qs, callback=None):
    req = ajax.ajax()
    req.bind('complete', lambda req:on_get_complete(req, callback))
    # Bind the complete State to the on_get_complete function'GET', url+'?'+qs, True)
    req.set_header('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')

def on_get_complete(req, callback=None):
    if req.status == 200 or req.status == 0:
        #  Take our response and inject it into the html div with id='main'
        document["main_area"].html = req.text
        if callback is not None:
        document["main_area"].html = "error " + req.text