Oracle - 如何确定 table 是否经过 TDE 加密

Oracle - How to determine if a table is TDE encrypted

如题中所述:如何判断Oracle中的table是否使用TDE加密?找不到任何询问 Google.

可以从 [dba | all | user]_encrypted_columns 个数据字典视图中获取此信息

administer key management set keystore open identified by password;
administer key management set key identified by password with backup;

-- test table with one encrypted column   
create table tb_encrpt (
  c1 varchar2(10) encrypt
tablespace encrypt_tbs;

显示有关加密的 table 列的信息

column table_name format a10;
column column_name format a10;
column encryption_alg format a10;

select table_name
     , column_name
     , encryption_alg
  from dba_encrypted_columns


---------- ---------- ----------
TB_ENCRPT  C1         AES 192 bi

1 row selected.

How to tell if in Oracle a table is encrypted with TDE or not?

如果 table 不存在于 [dba | all | user]_encrypted_columns 中,则它没有加密列。