
Fill the gaps, event based

我正在尝试根据 activity 他们本可以完成的客户流失来计算客户流失,而不是按日期流失,这是正常的。我们有连接到特定主机的事件,在我的示例中,所有事件都由 Alice 主持,但它可以是不同的主机。


: 第一次有人关注特定主持人的活动。

declare @events table (event varchar(50), host varchar(50), date date)
declare @eventFollows table (event varchar(50), follower varchar(50))

insert into @events values ('e_1', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_2', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_3', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_4', 'Alice', GETDATE())
insert into @events values ('e_5', 'Alice', GETDATE())

insert into @eventFollows values ('e_1', 'Bob') --new
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_2', 'Bob') --active
--Bob churned 
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_4', 'Megan') --new 
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_5', 'Bob') --resurrected
insert into @eventFollows values ('e_5', 'Megan') --active 

select * from @events
select * from @eventFollows


select 'e_1', 1 as New, 0 as resurrected, 0 as active, 0 as churned --First time Bob follows Alice event
union all
select 'e_2', 0 as New, 0 as resurrected, 1 as active, 0 as churned --Bob follows the next event that Alice host (considered as Active)
union all
select 'e_3', 0 as New, 0 as resurrected, 0 as active, 1 as churned --Bob churns since he does not follow the next event 
union all
select 'e_4', 1 as New, 0 as resurrected, 0 as active, 0 as churned --First time Megan follows Alice event
union all
select 'e_5', 0 as New, 1 as resurrected, 1 as active, 0 as churned --Second time (active) for Megan and Bob is resurrected


select a.event, follower, date, 
    LAG (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host, ma.follower order by date) as lag, 
    LEAD (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host, ma.follower order by date) as lead,
    LAG (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host order by date) as lagP, 
    LEAD (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host order by date) as leadP
from @events a left join @eventFollows ma on ma.event = a.event order by host, follower, date



    X.event, X.host, X.date,
    IsNew =  SUM(CASE WHEN X.FirstFollowerEvent = X.event THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
    IsActive = SUM(CASE WHEN X.lagFollowerEvent = X.lagEvent THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
    IsChurned = SUM(CASE WHEN X.follower IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
    IsResurrected = SUM(CASE WHEN X.lagFollowerEvent <> X.lagEvent AND X.FirstFollowerEvent IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
        a.event, a.host, ma.follower, a.date, 
        FIRST_VALUE(a.event) over (partition by a.host, ma.follower order by a.date, a.event) as FirstFollowerEvent, 
        LAG (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host, ma.follower order by a.date, a.event) as lagFollowerEvent, 
        LAG (a.event,1) over (partition by a.host order by a.date, a.event) as lagEvent
         @events a
         LEFT join 
         @eventFollows ma on a.event = ma.event
    ) X
    X.event, X.host, X.date
    X.event, X.host, X.date


;with nrsE as
    select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by event) rnrE from @events
), nrs as
    select  f.*,host, rnrE, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by f.follower, e.host order by f.event ) rnrF
    from nrsE e
    join @eventFollows f on f.event = e.event
), f as
    select host, follower, min(rnrE) FirstE, max(rnrE) LastE, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by follower, host order by rnrE - rnrF) SeqNr 
    from nrs
    group by host, follower, rnrE - rnrF --difference between rnr-Event and rnr-Follower to detect gaps
), stat as   --from the result above  on there are several options. this example uses getting a 'status' and pivoting on it
    select e.event, e.host, case when f.FirstE is null then 'No participants' when f.LastE = e.rnrE - 1 then 'Churned' when rnrE = f.FirstE then case when SeqNr = 1 then 'New' else 'Resurrected' end else 'Active' end Status
    from nrsE e
    left join f on e.rnrE between f.FirstE and f.LastE + 1 and e.host = f.host
select p.* from stat pivot(count(Status) for Status in ([New], [Resurrected], [Active],  [Churned])) p

最后 2 个步骤可以简化,但以这种方式获得 'Status' 可能可重复用于其他场景