在 Powershell 中获取给定日期的 ISO 8601 年度周数
Get the ISO 8601 Week of Year of a given date in Powershell
正在搜索如何获得 ISO 8601 Week of Year in PowerShell, I've stumbled upon this question for C#。
尽量不要用 PowerShell 代码来解决这个问题,下面是我的 Powershell 移植。 (基于answer by user6887101)
我会暂时搁置这个 'not accepted' 以防有人想出更好的解决方案。
如user6887101 and explained in detail here所述,伪算法为:
ISO 8601 周从 星期一 开始,到 星期日.
- 对于任何给定日期,找到与给定日期同一周的星期四
- 如果原始日期是
Sunday, January 1st XXXX
找到 Thursday, December 29th XXXX-1
- 如果原始日期是
Monday, December 31st XXXX
找到 Thursday, January 3rd XXXX+1
Year of the ISO 8601 Week
是包含 Thursday found in step 1
或 XXXX+1
ISO 8601 Week number
是 year from step 2
中的 number of Thursdays
(直到并包括找到的 Thursday 本身)
function Get-ISO8601Week (){
# Adapted from
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true
)] [datetime] $DateTime
process {
foreach ($_DateTime in $DateTime) {
$_ResultObject = [pscustomobject] @{
Year = $null
WeekNumber = $null
WeekString = $null
DateString = $_DateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd dddd')
$_DayOfWeek = $_DateTime.DayOfWeek.value__
# In the underlying object, Sunday is always 0 (Monday = 1, ..., Saturday = 6) irrespective of the FirstDayOfWeek settings (Sunday/Monday)
# Since ISO 8601 week date (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date) is Monday-based, flipping Sunday to 7 and switching to one-based numbering.
if ($_DayOfWeek -eq 0) {
$_DayOfWeek = 7
# Find the Thursday from this week:
# E.g.: If original date is a Sunday, January 1st , will find Thursday, December 29th from the previous year.
# E.g.: If original date is a Monday, December 31st , will find Thursday, January 3rd from the next year.
$_DateTime = $_DateTime.AddDays((4 - $_DayOfWeek))
# The above Thursday it's the Nth Thursday from it's own year, wich is also the ISO 8601 Week Number
$_ResultObject.WeekNumber = [math]::Ceiling($_DateTime.DayOfYear / 7)
$_ResultObject.Year = $_DateTime.Year
# The format requires the ISO week-numbering year and numbers are zero-left-padded (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#General_principles)
# It's also easier to debug this way :)
$_ResultObject.WeekString = "$($_DateTime.Year)-W$("$($_ResultObject.WeekNumber)".PadLeft(2, '0'))"
Write-Output $_ResultObject
PS C:\> Get-Date | Get-ISO8601Week
Year WeekNumber WeekString DateString
---- ---------- ---------- ----------
2017 41 2017-W41 2017-10-11 Wednesday
#<# Test Get-ISO8601Week (You can manually check accuracy @ https://planetcalc.com/1252/)
# Tested on $PSVersionTable.PSVersion :
# 5.1.15063.502
"Week starts on: $([System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::CurrentInfo.FirstDayOfWeek)"
# Test dates from 2000-01-01 (730119) to 2020-12-31 (737789)
# To get the 'serial day number' for a given date, use:
# (Get-Date -Date '2020-12-31').Ticks / [timespan]::TicksPerDay
$WeekOfYearObjectGroupList = 730119..737789 | ForEach-Object -Process {[datetime]::new(($_ * [timespan]::TicksPerDay))} | Get-ISO8601Week | Group-Object -Property 'Year'
foreach ($WeekOfYearObjectGroup in $WeekOfYearObjectGroupList) {
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -lt 1 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -in 1..2 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -in 52..53 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -gt 53 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
'tricky' 日期样本@MSDN
您可以手动检查准确性@ https://planetcalc.com/1252/
<# Sample of 'tricky' dates referenced @ https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/shawnste/2006/01/24/iso-8601-week-of-year-format-in-microsoft-net/
2004 52 2004-W52 2004-12-26 Sunday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-27 Monday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-28 Tuesday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-29 Wednesday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-30 Thursday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-31 Friday
2004 53 2004-W53 2005-01-01 Saturday
2004 53 2004-W53 2005-01-02 Sunday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-03 Monday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-04 Tuesday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-05 Wednesday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-06 Thursday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-07 Friday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-08 Saturday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-09 Sunday
2005 2 2005-W02 2005-01-10 Monday
get-date -UFormat %V
"{0:d1}" -f ($(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date),[System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule]::FirstFourDayWeek, [DayOfWeek]::Monday))
取决于您是否需要 ISO8601。
$checkdate = Get-Date -date "2007-12-31"
# if the day of week is before Thurs (Mon-Wed) add 3 since Thursday is the critical
# day for determining when the ISO week starts.
if ($dow -match "[1-3]") {$checkdate.addDays(3)}
# Return the ISO week number
$(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($checkdate),[System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule]::FirstFourDayWeek, [DayOfWeek]::Monday)
对于纯 Powershell:
Culture 和 UICulture 有问题
maandag (which is My language AND My starting weekday
Monday (which is NOT My language BUT is My starting weekday
Sunday (which is NOT My language AND NOT My starting weekday
zondag (which is My language AND NOT My starting weekday
还有周数不符合 ISO8601 标准的问题。
日期 2012-12-31 应该是第 1 周,但它给出了 53。
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2013-01-01')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2013-01-01')).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-31')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-31')).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-30')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-30')).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
这些应该给出 1,1,52(正确)而不是 1,53,52(不正确)。
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2013-01-01')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2013-01-01')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-31')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-31')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-30')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-30')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-29')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-29')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
这些应该给出 1,1,1,52(正确)而不是 1,53,53,52(不正确)。
您可以通过将 3* 替换为 0* 来测试不正确的结果。
function Get-ISO8601Week {
$getISO8601Week = $(Get-Date)
If ($getISO8601Week.GetType() -eq [string]){
$getISO8601Week = (Get-Date($getISO8601Week))
$getCulture = Get-Culture
3*([int]$getISO8601Week.DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))
), ($getCulture.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule
), ($getCulture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek
Get-ISO8601Week $(Get-Date('2012-12-31'))
Get-ISO8601Week (Get-Date('2012-12-31'))
Get-ISO8601Week '2012-12-31'
确定(荷兰)文化和 UICulture 的最终抽签。
我通过创建 WeekRuleDay 解决了它:
function Get-ISO8601Week {
[datetime]$DT = (Get-Date)
First create an integer(0/1) from the boolean,
"Is the integer DayOfWeek value greater than zero?".
Then Multiply it with 4 or 6 (weekrule = 0 or 2) minus the integer DayOfWeek value.
This turns every day (except Sunday) into Thursday.
Then return the ISO8601 WeekNumber.
$Cult = Get-Culture; $DT = Get-Date($DT)
$WeekRule = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule.value__
$FirstDayOfWeek = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek.value__
$WeekRuleDay = [int]($DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ -ge $FirstDayOfWeek ) * ( (6 - $WeekRule) - $DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ )
$Cult.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($DT).AddDays($WeekRuleDay), $WeekRule, $FirstDayOfWeek)
function Get-UiISO8601Week {
[datetime]$DT = (Get-Date)
First create an integer(0/1) from the boolean,
"Is the integer DayOfWeek value greater than zero?".
Then Multiply it with 4 or 6 (weekrule = 0 or 2) minus the integer DayOfWeek value.
This turns every day (except Sunday) into Thursday.
Then return the ISO8601 WeekNumber.
$Cult = Get-UICulture; $DT = Get-Date($DT)
$WeekRule = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule.value__
$FirstDayOfWeek = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek.value__
$ThursSunDay = [int]($DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ -ge $FirstDayOfWeek ) * ( (6 - $WeekRule) - $DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ )
$Cult.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($DT).AddDays($ThursSunDay), $WeekRule, $FirstDayOfWeek)
Write-Host "UICulture: " -NoNewline
(20..31).ForEach( { Get-UiISO8601Week("2012-12-$($_)") }) + ((1..7).ForEach( { Get-UiISO8601Week("2013-1-$($_)") })) -join ', '
Write-Host " Culture: " -NoNewline
(20..31).ForEach( { Get-ISO8601Week("2012-12-$($_)") }) + ((1..7).ForEach( { Get-ISO8601Week("2013-1-$($_)") })) -join ', '
#ISO week
$date = [DateTime] '2014-12-29'
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($date).AddDays(-[Int] (($date).AddDays(-1)).DayOfWeek+3), 2, 1)
#ISO year
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetYear(($date).AddDays(-[Int] (($date).AddDays(-1)).DayOfWeek+3))
其他解决方案会错误地计算给定日期的第 53 周。
正在搜索如何获得 ISO 8601 Week of Year in PowerShell, I've stumbled upon this question for C#。
尽量不要用 PowerShell 代码来解决这个问题,下面是我的 Powershell 移植。 (基于answer by user6887101)
我会暂时搁置这个 'not accepted' 以防有人想出更好的解决方案。
如user6887101 and explained in detail here所述,伪算法为:
ISO 8601 周从 星期一 开始,到 星期日.
结束- 对于任何给定日期,找到与给定日期同一周的星期四
- 如果原始日期是
Sunday, January 1st XXXX
找到Thursday, December 29th XXXX-1
- 如果原始日期是
Monday, December 31st XXXX
找到Thursday, January 3rd XXXX+1
- 如果原始日期是
Year of the ISO 8601 Week
是包含Thursday found in step 1
)ISO 8601 Week number
是year from step 2
中的number of Thursdays
(直到并包括找到的 Thursday 本身)
function Get-ISO8601Week (){
# Adapted from
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true
)] [datetime] $DateTime
process {
foreach ($_DateTime in $DateTime) {
$_ResultObject = [pscustomobject] @{
Year = $null
WeekNumber = $null
WeekString = $null
DateString = $_DateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd dddd')
$_DayOfWeek = $_DateTime.DayOfWeek.value__
# In the underlying object, Sunday is always 0 (Monday = 1, ..., Saturday = 6) irrespective of the FirstDayOfWeek settings (Sunday/Monday)
# Since ISO 8601 week date (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date) is Monday-based, flipping Sunday to 7 and switching to one-based numbering.
if ($_DayOfWeek -eq 0) {
$_DayOfWeek = 7
# Find the Thursday from this week:
# E.g.: If original date is a Sunday, January 1st , will find Thursday, December 29th from the previous year.
# E.g.: If original date is a Monday, December 31st , will find Thursday, January 3rd from the next year.
$_DateTime = $_DateTime.AddDays((4 - $_DayOfWeek))
# The above Thursday it's the Nth Thursday from it's own year, wich is also the ISO 8601 Week Number
$_ResultObject.WeekNumber = [math]::Ceiling($_DateTime.DayOfYear / 7)
$_ResultObject.Year = $_DateTime.Year
# The format requires the ISO week-numbering year and numbers are zero-left-padded (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#General_principles)
# It's also easier to debug this way :)
$_ResultObject.WeekString = "$($_DateTime.Year)-W$("$($_ResultObject.WeekNumber)".PadLeft(2, '0'))"
Write-Output $_ResultObject
PS C:\> Get-Date | Get-ISO8601Week
Year WeekNumber WeekString DateString
---- ---------- ---------- ----------
2017 41 2017-W41 2017-10-11 Wednesday
#<# Test Get-ISO8601Week (You can manually check accuracy @ https://planetcalc.com/1252/)
# Tested on $PSVersionTable.PSVersion :
# 5.1.15063.502
"Week starts on: $([System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::CurrentInfo.FirstDayOfWeek)"
# Test dates from 2000-01-01 (730119) to 2020-12-31 (737789)
# To get the 'serial day number' for a given date, use:
# (Get-Date -Date '2020-12-31').Ticks / [timespan]::TicksPerDay
$WeekOfYearObjectGroupList = 730119..737789 | ForEach-Object -Process {[datetime]::new(($_ * [timespan]::TicksPerDay))} | Get-ISO8601Week | Group-Object -Property 'Year'
foreach ($WeekOfYearObjectGroup in $WeekOfYearObjectGroupList) {
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -lt 1 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -in 1..2 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -in 52..53 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
$WeekOfYearObjectGroup.Group | Where-Object {$_.WeekNumber -gt 53 } | Format-Table -AutoSize
'tricky' 日期样本@MSDN
您可以手动检查准确性@ https://planetcalc.com/1252/
<# Sample of 'tricky' dates referenced @ https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/shawnste/2006/01/24/iso-8601-week-of-year-format-in-microsoft-net/
2004 52 2004-W52 2004-12-26 Sunday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-27 Monday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-28 Tuesday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-29 Wednesday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-30 Thursday
2004 53 2004-W53 2004-12-31 Friday
2004 53 2004-W53 2005-01-01 Saturday
2004 53 2004-W53 2005-01-02 Sunday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-03 Monday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-04 Tuesday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-05 Wednesday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-06 Thursday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-07 Friday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-08 Saturday
2005 1 2005-W01 2005-01-09 Sunday
2005 2 2005-W02 2005-01-10 Monday
get-date -UFormat %V
"{0:d1}" -f ($(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date),[System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule]::FirstFourDayWeek, [DayOfWeek]::Monday))
取决于您是否需要 ISO8601。
$checkdate = Get-Date -date "2007-12-31"
# if the day of week is before Thurs (Mon-Wed) add 3 since Thursday is the critical
# day for determining when the ISO week starts.
if ($dow -match "[1-3]") {$checkdate.addDays(3)}
# Return the ISO week number
$(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($checkdate),[System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule]::FirstFourDayWeek, [DayOfWeek]::Monday)
对于纯 Powershell: Culture 和 UICulture 有问题 要以文化语言打印一周的第一天:
maandag (which is My language AND My starting weekday
Monday (which is NOT My language BUT is My starting weekday
Sunday (which is NOT My language AND NOT My starting weekday
zondag (which is My language AND NOT My starting weekday
还有周数不符合 ISO8601 标准的问题。 日期 2012-12-31 应该是第 1 周,但它给出了 53。 所以你必须实施某种解决方案。
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2013-01-01')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2013-01-01')).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-31')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-31')).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-30')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-30')).DayOfWeek -in (1,2,3))), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
这些应该给出 1,1,52(正确)而不是 1,53,52(不正确)。 或者(UICulture相关版本)
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2013-01-01')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2013-01-01')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-31')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-31')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-30')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-30')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
(Get-UICulture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear((Get-Date('2012-12-29')).AddDays(3*([int](Get-Date('2012-12-29')).DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule), ((Get-UICulture).DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek))
这些应该给出 1,1,1,52(正确)而不是 1,53,53,52(不正确)。 因为开始工作日是星期日。
您可以通过将 3* 替换为 0* 来测试不正确的结果。
function Get-ISO8601Week {
$getISO8601Week = $(Get-Date)
If ($getISO8601Week.GetType() -eq [string]){
$getISO8601Week = (Get-Date($getISO8601Week))
$getCulture = Get-Culture
3*([int]$getISO8601Week.DayOfWeek -in (0,1,2))
), ($getCulture.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule
), ($getCulture.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek
Get-ISO8601Week $(Get-Date('2012-12-31'))
Get-ISO8601Week (Get-Date('2012-12-31'))
Get-ISO8601Week '2012-12-31'
确定(荷兰)文化和 UICulture 的最终抽签。
我通过创建 WeekRuleDay 解决了它:
function Get-ISO8601Week {
[datetime]$DT = (Get-Date)
First create an integer(0/1) from the boolean,
"Is the integer DayOfWeek value greater than zero?".
Then Multiply it with 4 or 6 (weekrule = 0 or 2) minus the integer DayOfWeek value.
This turns every day (except Sunday) into Thursday.
Then return the ISO8601 WeekNumber.
$Cult = Get-Culture; $DT = Get-Date($DT)
$WeekRule = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule.value__
$FirstDayOfWeek = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek.value__
$WeekRuleDay = [int]($DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ -ge $FirstDayOfWeek ) * ( (6 - $WeekRule) - $DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ )
$Cult.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($DT).AddDays($WeekRuleDay), $WeekRule, $FirstDayOfWeek)
function Get-UiISO8601Week {
[datetime]$DT = (Get-Date)
First create an integer(0/1) from the boolean,
"Is the integer DayOfWeek value greater than zero?".
Then Multiply it with 4 or 6 (weekrule = 0 or 2) minus the integer DayOfWeek value.
This turns every day (except Sunday) into Thursday.
Then return the ISO8601 WeekNumber.
$Cult = Get-UICulture; $DT = Get-Date($DT)
$WeekRule = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule.value__
$FirstDayOfWeek = $Cult.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek.value__
$ThursSunDay = [int]($DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ -ge $FirstDayOfWeek ) * ( (6 - $WeekRule) - $DT.DayOfWeek.Value__ )
$Cult.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($DT).AddDays($ThursSunDay), $WeekRule, $FirstDayOfWeek)
Write-Host "UICulture: " -NoNewline
(20..31).ForEach( { Get-UiISO8601Week("2012-12-$($_)") }) + ((1..7).ForEach( { Get-UiISO8601Week("2013-1-$($_)") })) -join ', '
Write-Host " Culture: " -NoNewline
(20..31).ForEach( { Get-ISO8601Week("2012-12-$($_)") }) + ((1..7).ForEach( { Get-ISO8601Week("2013-1-$($_)") })) -join ', '
#ISO week
$date = [DateTime] '2014-12-29'
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(($date).AddDays(-[Int] (($date).AddDays(-1)).DayOfWeek+3), 2, 1)
#ISO year
(Get-Culture).Calendar.GetYear(($date).AddDays(-[Int] (($date).AddDays(-1)).DayOfWeek+3))
这会计算一周中的星期四。 其他解决方案会错误地计算给定日期的第 53 周。