使用 Reactive Extensions 检测 MouseDown 和 MouseMove 事件

Detect MouseDown and MouseMove events with Reactive Extensions

我有以下代码来侦听从 WPF ListView 开始的拖放事件。 这个想法是鼠标按下事件将跟随鼠标移动。一旦鼠标移动超过最小距离,拖放动作将开始。

var mouseDowns = Observable.FromEventPattern<MouseEventArgs>(this, "PreviewMouseDown");
        var mouseMoves = Observable.FromEventPattern<MouseEventArgs>(this, "MouseMove").
                x =>
                    x.EventArgs.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed ||
                    x.EventArgs.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed);

        var drag = from mouseDown in mouseDowns
                   from mouseMove in mouseMoves
                   let initialPosition = mouseDown.EventArgs.GetPosition(null)
                   let currentPosition = mouseMove.EventArgs.GetPosition(null)
                   let mouseDifference = initialPosition - currentPosition
                   //    (Math.Abs(mouseDifference.X) > MinimumDragDistance ||
                   //    Math.Abs(mouseDifference.Y) > MinimumDragDistance)
                   select mouseDifference;

        dragSubscription = drag.Subscribe(_ =>
             Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("x: {0} y: {1}", _.X, _.Y));
             var dataObject = GetDataObject();
             DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, dataObject, DragDropEffects.Move);

问题在于,在 Linq 中,每当触发满足条件的 PreviewMouseDown 事件时,只会捕获一个 mouseMove 事件,这意味着当我在列表中包含 where 语句时,mouseDifference 总是0,不符合条件

有没有办法允许多个 mouseMove 事件发生,直到符合条件的事件发生?


Using Rx over events on a WPF UserControl, why does the control receive a mousedown and mousemove when the window is maximized?