如何从 Actions on Google 控制台删除对某种语言的支持?

How can I delete support for a language from the Actions on Google console?

或者,更具体地说,我在控制台上添加了第二种语言的信息,但现在我无法使用 "gactions test..." 来部署它,因为我收到错误消息:

Pushing the app for the Assistant for testing...
ERROR: Failed to test the app for the Assistant
ERROR: Request contains an invalid argument.
Field Violations:
#  Field                         Description
1  agent_version_content.action  Your app must have at least one action for locale fr
2017/10/11 18:11:04 Server did not return HTTP 200




有关添加语言环境信息的信息位于 https://developers.google.com/actions/localization/action-packages

他们仍在更新 gactions 命令和操作包格式本身的文档,但简而言之,您需要做两件事:

首先,为每个语言环境创建一个动作包。他们建议使用 "action.fr.json" 和 "action.en.json" 这样的名称。每个 json 中的第一个参数将是:

"locale": "en"

(或 "fr" 或任何语言环境)


./gactions update --project my-project-id --action_package action.de.json --action_package action.en.json --action_package action.fr.json --action_package action.ja.json --action_package action.ko.json